best employee engagement survey questions to ask

7 Best Employee Engagement Survey Questions to Ask

Are you wondering what employee engagement survey questions to ask your team?

Employee engagement surveys can provide insight into how well an employee is becoming a part of the workplace culture or how connected they feel to their work.

In this post, we’ll look at some of the best questions to ask on your employee engagement survey.

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Best Employee Engagement Survey Questions to Ask

Let’s dive into some essential questions that should be a part of every well-designed employee engagement survey.

I Feel Supported by My Managers

Employees who feel their leaders support them are more likely to be engaged. There’s something to be said for diving into your work when you know your manager has your back.

employee engagement survey questions Likert Scale

A supportive manager cares about how employees are doing. They support the employees’ career development and goals but also care about them as people.

These managers are invested in employees’ well-being and personal growth and want to ensure work-life balance. They create a positive work environment that boosts employee engagement levels.

If you get a lot of feedback indicating that employees don’t feel their managers are supporting them, it’s time to dig into why that is.

My Managers Help Me Identify and Work Toward My Goals

When a new employee is onboarding, do you take the time to learn about their career goals, include them, and help set them on a path to success? If not, you’re missing a prime opportunity to build engagement.

employee engagement survey likert scale

This situation is tricky because if leadership doesn’t immediately work to engage a new employee, they risk losing them. Once an employee fully disengages, it isn’t easy to re-engage them. Although not what it seems on the surface, this question will ultimately let you know if they feel you’re doing a good enough job from the start.

I Am Satisfied With the Level of Communication I Have With My Team

Communication is one of the fundamental building blocks of employee engagement. If team members feel like they exist in a vacuum, they’re probably not feeling connected to their work or the company.

employee engagement survey likert scale

On the other hand, take care not to create the opposite problem, either. If there’s a flood of communication and employees can’t keep up or feel like they’re being micromanaged, that can also cause them to disengage.

Find a good balance for team communication and you’ll have your employees right with you.

I Feel Appropriately Challenged in My Role

Have you ever felt yourself just going through the motions? Sure, you complete tasks, but you’re not thinking about it. You hardly realize you’ve even done it.

That is what you want to avoid with your employees.

employee engagement survey form template Likert Scale

If they don’t feel appropriately challenged, they won’t be engaged. Although this frequently happens when an employee finds the work too easy, mundane, or mindless, it can also occur if it is too difficult.

This ties in with the previous questions. If you’re working with your employees, supporting and guiding them, and communicating efficiently, you’ll know exactly how challenging their workload should be.

I See Opportunities For Myself to Grow With This Company

An engaged employee is in it for the long haul. They want to contribute to the company’s success, and they’re able to see pathways to growth.

This question is going to be a clear indication of how an employee feels when it comes to engagement.

employee engagement survey form template likert scale

A neutral response could potentially be a warning. If an employee disagrees to any extent, they might already have one foot out the door.

It’s important to note that while the WPForms employee engagement survey form template includes fields for name and email address, many employers choose to make their surveys anonymous, and that’s something you can customize. For various reasons, employees often feel more comfortable answering anonymously.

That means that if you get a response to this question indicating that an employee is checked out, you might not know who the respondent is. That makes it difficult to go to them directly.

All the more reason to work hard to build engagement from the start and measure that effort with this survey form.

I Know and Understand How My Work Contributes to the Company’s Overall Goals

To feel engaged, an employee needs to know that their work contributes to something bigger. Help them to see how all the pieces fit together.

employee engagement survey likert scale

Make it clear how their work impacts team goals, which impact company goals. When they know these, they can see how their work ties in and feel more connected and better engaged.

I Would Recommend This Company to Friends Seeking Employment

If you could only ask one question, this is it. A happy, engaged employee will be proud of the work they do. They’ll feel connected to the company. They may still see room for improvement, but they’re happy and think it’s a great place to work. Those employees will share your job openings and recommend friends apply.

Conversely, if an employee disagrees with this statement, they’re probably not happy or satisfied with their work. They’re less likely to be engaged in their tasks. They might just go through the motions.

Maybe the lack of job satisfaction is an issue with the work culture or work-life balance. Perhaps they’re not building the new skills they want for their career development. These employees are not as likely to recommend friends work there.

employee engagement survey likert scale

If you wanted to make an edit to this question, you could remove the Likert Scale formatting and use an employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey instead. Then you’d be able to track your overall score through WPForms instead of looking at each form individually.

Ultimately, every business will have happy and unhappy employees. Every business has employees who are engaged with their work and ones who aren’t at all. The template lets you get started by surveying your workers to understand their feelings better. In the process, you’ll learn about what you can do to improve the employee experience.

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FAQs on Employee Engagement Surveys

Still have more questions about employee engagement survey forms? Take a look at the commonly asked questions below for some more insights:

What are the key benefits of conducting an employee engagement survey?

An employee engagement survey allows you to understand the perceptions of your employees regarding their work. A good survey usually includes questions that aim to gauge the engagement levels of each employee, which is a great way to see if people find their jobs fulfilling and meaningful within your organization.

At the same time, these surveys enable you to identify which areas of your work environment need improvement so as to foster a more engaging culture for your employees.

So if you conduct regular engagement surveys, you’ll be able to improve employee satisfaction levels, reduce turnover, and boost retention rates.

How frequently should an organization conduct employee engagement surveys?

It’s a good idea to run an employee engagement survey at least 1 time every year. Even better if you can conduct it twice a year. This way, you can ensure that you’re getting feedback from your employees at regular intervals rather than waiting too long to address it.

Workplace survey

Not only can you learn more from your employees with more frequent surveys, but you’ll also be leaving a positive impression on your employees especially if your surveys are coupled with actions taken to address feedback for the cultivation of an improved work environment.

However, conducting and analyzing surveys can be a resource-intensive task. Plus, your employees also need enough time between two surveys to be able to think about any issues that they face without feeling rushed. This is why it’s important to maintain a balance and avoid running surveys too frequently.

What is the ideal length for an employee engagement survey?

Employee engagement surveys should be kept focused and concise with about 6-10 questions in the form. If your form is too long and requires a higher time commitment, it will likely reduce survey participation.

You can use our employee engagement survey form template as an inspiration, which is designed to be reasonably short, asking only the most important questions.

What are some effective open-ended questions to include in an engagement survey?

When used sparingly, open-ended questions can help you obtain deeper insights into the thoughts and feelings of your employees.

Here are a few open-ended questions you can consider adding to your engagement survey form:

  • What motivates you to give your best at work every day?
  • How do you feel your role contributes to the overall success of the company?
  • Describe a recent challenge at work. How was it addressed, and what could have been done better?
  • What support or resources do you feel would help you excel in your role?
  • Describe a time when you felt most engaged and fulfilled at work. What contributed to that feeling?

Next, Learn More About Likert Scales

The employee engagement survey form template we walked through in this post uses the Likert Scale field in WPForms with the Surveys and Polls addon. Read more about the best types of Likert Scale questions to get inspiration for your next survey. There’s a reason you see this type of survey everywhere: it’s easy to use and produces consistent survey results.

Ready to build your engagement survey form? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro includes lots of free templates and offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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Renee DeCoskey

Renee DeCoskey has been blogging since 2001 and using WordPress since 2007. When she's not writing about WordPress plugins, you can find her curled up with a book or having fun in Rotary. Learn More

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