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Have you ever wanted to collect feedback from your customers, employees, or other members in your community? If so, then you need an online survey form. WPForms’ Survey Form template allows you to gather feedback, so you can eliminate the guesswork and make educated decisions.

You can use WPForms’ online survey form template to easily create a simple survey. You can even customize it and use our powerful features like smart conditional logic to create more sophisticated customer survey forms.

What’s in the Survey Form Template

Our Survey Form template includes some basic feedback questions you can use to gather insights from your customers or site users.

Using a variety of field types, including text fields, star ratings, and Likert scales, users can share their opinions with you in just a few clicks.

If a customer gives you a low star rating, the form will use smart conditional logic to show a text field where they can explain what went wrong. This provides valuable information to you on how you can improve the experience for future customers.

The Likert Scale fields enable you to ask customers for their feedback on multiple points while saving space on your form. The final Paragraph Text field provides space for customers to share their specific thoughts with you for more detailed insights.

Our simple survey form will help you understand what your site visitors like and dislike, reveal where you can make improvements, and provide you with valuable feedback needed to make your products, content, and customer support even better.

The great thing about using a survey form to ask people hard-hitting questions is you never have to guess at how people feel. Trust us, they’ll tell you one way or another whether you’re giving them what they need or expect.

How to Create a Survey Form in WordPress

WPForms is the easiest tool for creating online surveys for WordPress. Using the Surveys and Polls addon, you can view your survey results right in your admin dashboard. All the information is organized in easy-to-read charts and graphs so you can understand your responses at a glance.

Setting up your survey form takes just a few steps:

  1. Install the Surveys and Polls addon
  2. Select the Survey Form template
  3. Customize your survey
  4. Configure your form’s settings
  5. Publish your survey and collect feedback

For help installing the Surveys and Polls addon, see our documentation.

When you select the Survey Form template, it will load in the form builder. You’ll then be able to customize it with your own questions. Just click on any field in the preview to change its label and description.

If you have additional questions you want to ask, you can drag and drop fields onto your survey.

For example, you can gain insight from customers and grow your business with a customer survey form by asking people to rate their experience with your products or services. Or, you can ask attendees pre-event questions, so you can tailor events according to their preferences. And afterwards, you can create a post-event survey to see if people had the time of their life.

You can even find out whether customers would be willing to recommend your business to others using our Survey Form Template and Net Promoter Score (NPS) field.

Next, visit the Settings tab to create your email notifications and confirmation message. Most importantly, don’t forget to enable survey reporting so that you can see your results in your dashboard.

Finally, add your survey to any post, page, or widget area in WordPress with the WPForms block. Just select your form from the dropdown to embed it wherever you like.

Survey Form Video Tutorial

We also have a video guide for this survey form tutorial:

It covers everything you need to know about using our Survey Form template to easily set up your own customized survey form in WordPress and start collecting valuable insights.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with WPForms today to create your own survey form. Bonus, we’ll give you our survey form template and over 2,000 other pre-made form templates!