How to Add Coupon Fields to Your Stripe Forms

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Do you want to add Coupon fields to your Stripe forms? Offering coupons and discounts is a great way to incentivize your website visitors, among other perks.

And with the WPForms form builder, you don’t need to learn any coding, workarounds, or other skills to include a Coupon field on your form.

In this post, we’ll show you how to add Coupon fields to your Stripe forms in only 8 steps. It’s a lot easier than you might think!

Why Should I Add Coupon Fields to My Stripe Forms?

Adding Coupon fields to your Stripe forms comes with lots of benefits to your website! Here are just a few of them:

  • Coupons provide a powerful incentive for potential customers to complete their transactions.
  • Offering discounts fosters a sense of value.
  • Coupons allow you to run targeted promotions and campaigns.
  • Coupons encourage customer loyalty because users appreciate the opportunity to save money, which increases the likelihood of repeat business.
  • The visibility of a coupon field on your forms can attract new customers who are actively searching for discounts.

In fact, a whole psychology exists behind offering coupons and discounts! Take a look at our full article on the topic to learn more.

Create Your Coupon Form Now

How to Add Coupon Fields to Your Stripe Forms

Now that you know why you should add Coupon fields to your Stripe forms, let’s break down how to do it.

1. Install and Activate WPForms

The WPForms homepage

First, you’ll need to grab the essential WPForms plugin. Our plugin offers a user-friendly, drag-and-drop form builder that is great for creating all kinds of forms, including Stripe forms with Coupon fields.

For more information, check out our step-by-step guide on how to install the WPForms plugin.

And while the Lite version is offered for free, be sure to sign up for the Pro license so you can utilize the Coupons addon.

2. Get the Coupons Addon

As you might’ve guessed, you’ll want to install and activate the Coupons addon once you have your Pro license.

Coupons addon ready

While we’re covering plugins, you might wonder if the Stripe addon is required for this tutorial. Well, that depends.

Since WPForms introduced Stripe for all customers, the Stripe credit card field has been included in the form builder with every licensing level offered. So, if you plan on simply adding the Coupon field to order forms you already have on your site, you might be using Stripe now.

That said, there are some conditions that would still warrant the need for the Stripe addon. However, it’s not necessarily required for all of the order forms where you’d want to use the Coupons field.

But remember, you need the Pro license for the Coupons field anyway.

3. Create the Coupon

After activating the Coupons addon, you can create your coupons! Configure your coupons by going to WPForms » Payments and selecting the Coupons tab.

Coupons tab on the Payments page in WPForms

Then, simply click on the + Add Coupon button above the Coupons tab to get started.

You’ll be taken to the Add New Coupon page where you can customize all kinds of fields for your coupon.

Create your coupon in WPForms with the Coupons addon

Here’s a breakdown of these customizable fields:

  • Name: First, you give your coupon a title for easy identification. But don’t worry, this name won’t be visible to customers.
  • Code: Next you’ll set the coupon code for customers to use for the discounts you offer. You can create your own code or click the Generate Code button to get a random coupon code.
  • Amount: With this field, you’ll choose the amount type of discount your coupon offers. This discount could be a percentage or a fixed amount. Use the dropdown next to the field to select the one you’d like to use.
  • Start Date / Time: Use this field to determine when the coupon starts being active. You can leave this blank if you’d like.
  • End Date / Time: Choose when the coupon will no longer be valid. You can also leave this field blank if you don’t want to set an end date.
  • Max Uses: Set the maximum number of times the coupon can be used before it’s invalid, or leave it blank.

Keep in mind that you can’t change the Code or Amount after saving the coupon, so be sure to double-check these fields.

Now, you can repeat this step to create however many coupons you’d like.

Why would you want varying coupon codes? For different seasons, events, and promotions! You might be running a Valentine’s Day sale, for example, and want a coupon that is valid for one day only. Or, you might want a coupon that runs through a New Year flash sale. You can create both of these coupons to be used on your site alongside each other and additional coupons.

Be sure to check out our full article for even more holiday promo codes to use on your order forms.

4. Select Your Form

Now that your coupon is ready, you’ll select the form or forms that you want it to work with. There are a couple of ways to go about this step.

If you already have the form created that you plan to use the coupon with, then you can select this form on the Add New Coupon page from the step above.

You just need to scroll down to the Allowed Forms section and toggle the form or forms where you want to use the coupon. If you want to use the coupon on all your forms, simply toggle Form.

Choose the forms to map your coupons

Another way to add your coupon to your desired form is through the form builder, by opening the form first.

So, you could open up the form builder in a blank form, a form you already made yourself, or a form you selected from our gallery of templates.

Form templates gallery

We should add here, too, that we have lots of order form templates in our gallery that already have the Coupon field, Stripe Credit Card field, and other necessary fields in place, ready to be customized by you.

Once you’ve decided on the form where you plan to use these fields, go ahead and open up the form builder. We’ll start building in the next step!

5. Build and Customize Your Form

Now that you have your form opened to the form builder, let’s ensure you include all of the necessary fields.

For an order form, you’ll likely want to gather the customer’s name and contact details. Keep in mind that you’ll also need to get their email address for the form to function correctly.

Then, you can decide how you want to display your available items or services and their prices.

Standard order form in WPForms

You’ll also need to display the total amount and include a payment method. In this case, your payment method is Stripe, which we’ll go over in the next step.

Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to add and remove the fields on your form with the drag-and-drop form builder!

And, don’t forget that you can further customize these fields, too, such as adding images or icons to display with your items like the order form above, along with other endless styling options.

6. Add Stripe Credit Card Payment to Your Form

Since you’re likely working with some type of order form to add a Coupon field, you might already have the Stripe Credit Card field on your form.

If not, go ahead and drag the Stripe Credit Card field over to your form.

Stripe Credit Card ifeld

If it’s your first time using the Stripe Credit Card field on this form, you’ll need to enable Stripe in your form’s Payment settings.

Go ahead and configure the rest of the settings here, if you like. You can apply settings for one-time or recurring payments, receipts, subscriptions, and other configurations.

Be sure to review our Stripe documentation to get the most out of this payment option.

Once your Stripe settings are configured, you can start adding coupons to your form.

7. Add Coupon Field to Your Form

Now, you’ll add the Coupon field to your form by dragging it over and dropping it where you want it. We suggest placing it somewhere above the user’s credit card information.

Use the drag-and-drop form builder to add the coupon field to your form

Then, click on the Coupon field to open up its Field Options. Here, you can customize the wording if you’d like, to let your customer know they can enter their coupon code.

Most importantly, you’ll choose the coupon you created earlier from the Allowed Coupons dropdown.

Allowed coupons

You can even select multiple coupons to be allowed on a single form! You should know, though, that users can only apply one of the allowed coupons for a discount when filling out your form.

Then, for even more customization, click on the Advanced tab of the Coupon field. Here, you can change the text of the Apply button to read whatever you want!

As always, be sure to save your form when you’ve finished customizing it.

8. Publish and Promote New Coupon Form

All that’s left for you to do is publish and promote your new coupon forms!

And with WPForms, it’s incredibly easy to do. You can place your new forms in multiple locations throughout your WordPress site, such as your posts, pages, and sidebar widgets.

To add your form, create a new post or page in WordPress, or update the settings on an existing one. Then, click the black plus (+) button to add a new block. From the pop-up selections, choose WPForms.

The WPForms widget will now appear inside the block. From here, click on the WPForms dropdown and pick the Stripe form with the Coupon field that you want to display.

Choosing your order form in the WPForms block

Your new form is now ready to be saved or published on your site!

When you do publish, just make sure that your website visitors and customers have access to the coupon codes you created, so they can enter them into the Coupon fields on your Stripe forms.

You can share these codes throughout your site, or in promotional emails and other places. Be sure to check out our full article on holiday promo code ideas for a bit of inspiration.

And that’s it! You’ll be offering coupons and discounts in no time.

Create Your Coupon Form Now

Next, Elevate Your Forms With Calculations

No matter the sort of forms you utilize on your site, offering calculation capabilities to your form users is a game-changer.

From mortgages to 401Ks and lots of calculations in between, the Calculator addon from WPForms can do it all.

Learn more about this incredible tool and watch your site rise to the next level!

Ready to build your form? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro includes lots of free templates and offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.

If this article helped you out, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more free WordPress tutorials and guides.

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  1. Unfortunately coupon doesn’t allow to be proceeded by stripe if the coupon code is 100%. Stripe doesn’t allow to proceed a transaction that is “0”. This is a huge problem at the moment we are struggling with. Maybe you can assist.

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