Do you want to optimize your site for lead generation?
Generating leads helps you convert your website visitors into desired outcomes, like customers to your business, subscribers to your blog, or users of your services.
There are various ways to optimize your site to generate these leads, and we can show you how to do it.
What Is Website Lead Generation?
When a visitor to your website becomes a potential customer or client by interacting with your site, this visitor is known as a lead. Most websites are aimed at generating these leads, and the lead generation process usually starts when a visitor clicks on a site’s call-to-action.
The call-to-action, or CTA, then leads the visitor to a form that collects some information, such as the visitor’s contact details. After the form is submitted, the visitor is usually thanked in some fashion with a follow up message.
The forms used in the lead generation process are aptly referred to as lead forms. Simply put, these are the forms that collect the specific information that you’ll use to nurture that lead and convert that site visitor.
Utilizing lead forms is just one way to optimize your site for lead generation. You can also utilize powerful lead generation tools to design high-converting campaigns.
We’ll be sharing a handful of other ways to optimize your site, so keep reading to find out how.
7 Ways to Optimize Your Site for Lead Generation
In This Article
1. Use the WPForms Lead Forms Addon
Most businesses aim to utilize forms on their websites that are easy for visitors to submit. The more leads collected by these forms, the bigger the impact on growth.
That’s why the Lead Forms addon from WPForms is the perfect tool for collecting leads and boosting conversions.
With this addon, you can create opt-in forms that display only one field at a time, so you’re not bombarding users with multiple fields all at once.
Plus, with the advanced styling options provided, you’re able to fully customize your form for users.
And, like every forms created with WPForms, you can do all of this without writing a single line of code. You simply install the addon, enable Lead Form Mode, customize your form, and then use it wherever you want on your site.
For even more information about this exciting tool, check out this article on installing and using the Lead Forms Addon.
2. Use Forms On Popular Landing Pages
In order to further optimize your site for lead generation, you need to use your forms on your most popular landing pages. These pages are where you get the most traffic, and may be visited through your blog posts, email marketing, and social media pages.
For example, if you find that lots of potential leads are visiting your website through links in your Instagram bio, you should add specific content to the relevant landing pages that keeps your leads interacting with your site.
WPForms comes with 1,900+ WordPress form templates, including surveys, polls, and other forms for users to interact with on your site.
Plus, by including various forms across your site, you’re learning more about your site visitors so that you can use the information to nurture leads.
Want to learn how to create the perfect landing page for your site? Check out our easy how-to guide.
3. Follow Up With Leads
Once you’ve gathered the contact information of website visitors, be sure to follow up with them by sending a friendly email or thank you message.
This is another great way to optimize your lead generation process.
And with the WPForms Pro license, your form contacts are collected and stored for easy access and emailing, so you can follow up with leads quickly and seamlessly.
In fact, with the integrations available with WPForms Pro, you can connect directly to email marketing services like Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) or Drip and automatically update your email newsletter list with the leads you’re collecting.
You can also use this opportunity to cater to your potential customers and clients. After receiving the contact information for a lead, be sure to follow up with valuable content that is related to their interest in your site.
Consider including specific offers and additional CTAs in these follow-up emails, and encourage these leads to share your content.
4. Use CTAs Throughout Your Site
To further optimize your lead generation process, don’t forget to use CTAs throughout your site, starting with the homepage.
In some cases, your homepage is where the conversion path for a potential lead begins, so it should contain valuable and specific ways to interact with your site.
Here, you could offer a consultation call for visitors or promote a free subscription to an active campaign. Try out a few CTAs on your homepage such as “Book a Call” or “Try Us for Free.”
CTAs like these can and should be used in other places on your site, too. You’ll need them to be customized, as well. Each CTA should be related to the page it’s on so that you can leverage your visitor’s interest in a specific area.
Plus, creating unique content like customized CTAs allows you to once again cater to your website visitors and generate leads.
That’s why we’ve made all of our forms at WPForms highly customizable, including our lead forms.
With the Lead Forms addon, you can personalize the finer details for every visitor to your website.
When it comes to CTAs, for example, we suggest keeping the phrasing simple and the colors complementary.
That said, we encourage you to try out all of the customization options with the Lead Forms addon to find what works best with your site.
You can also see our roundup of lead generation statistics to get some more ideas for optimizing your CTAs.
5. Use Live Chat Service on Your Site
Another way to generate more leads on your website is with the help of a live chat service.
We mentioned the importance of popular landing pages, which would be great places to utilize live chat. These pages where your site visitors are spending a lot of their time might also be the pages where they need the most help.
So, consider installing a live chat service on pages where you know you can assist your website visitors. You’re now elevating the user’s experience, while also gathering useful insight into their needs.
We’ve already done the work to determine the best live chat software for your site, so check out our findings if you’re thinking about adding this service to your site.
You’ll discover in the above article that a live chat service not only helps with lead generation, but can also improve customer satisfaction and even shorten wait times for your business.
6. Run Site QA Often
To improve the optimization of your lead generation process, you’ll need to run quality assurance as often as you can.
In other words, you should test your site a lot.
You’ll need to know where you’re generating the most leads, and where most of your traffic comes from. Our User Journey addon is incredibly helpful here, as it will show you what content of yours is driving your most valuable form conversions.
You may be surprised to find which pages on your site are great at converting and which ones aren’t carrying their weight.
To get the most out of your site optimization, first determine your current state of lead generation, so that you can track your progress and discover where you need to improve the process.
Then, in testing your site, consider the 3 main elements of lead generation — CTAs, landing pages, and follow up or thank you emails.
You’ll find that changing something seemingly mundane like the phrasing of your CTAs or the styling of your homepage can have a dramatic impact on how your site appears and performs.
We’ve already compiled a good bit of information for you related to site testing, like how to test your site’s theme or plugin for conflicts and how to test your forms before launching them on your site.
Check out the articles above or jump straight to our full checklist to start testing your website.
7. Optimize Each Step of the Conversion Path
We explained early on how the lead generation process takes website visitors down a conversion path that usually starts with a call-to-action, collects information on a landing page, and follows up with an email.
And once you know what works and doesn’t work from testing your site, you can apply this knowledge to each step of the process.
For example, you may find that using certain wording on a given form converts visitors more often than other phrasing used, and that specific styling performs better, too.
This is where the Lead Forms addon is helpful once again.
The highly customizable styling options included with this addon mean that you can fashion your lead forms with the specific colors, fonts, and details that perform the best for you.
And the great thing about these customization options is that you can apply your favorite settings to use on various forms across your website.
Additionally, you may have discovered through site testing that giving a bit of attention to the forms on your landing pages can also boost your conversion rates.
And, keep in mind that a wide selection of WordPress plugins is available to help you build a high-converting landing page. Check out our article to see which plugins we suggest.
Leading visitors to landing pages is an important aspect of the lead generation process, and these pages should be well-designed to cohesively work with your site. So, make sure that the forms on these pages are customized to be relevant, stylish, and complementary to your site.
Lastly, we mentioned that simply emailing site visitors who have submitted a form is a good way to optimize your lead conversions. Luckily, with WPForms, it’s incredibly easy to set up form confirmation and notification emails to send to your site visitors.
And as customization goes, a personal touch added to these follow up emails can very much improve your lead generation.
With the incredible selection of customization options provided with WPForms and the Lead Forms addon, you’re able to personalize and optimize every aspect of your lead generation process.
Next, Apply Landing Page Best Practices
Now that you’re well on your way to optimizing your lead generation process, let’s take a closer look at your landing pages.
There are lots of additional ways to convert leads who visit your site’s pages, and we can show you how. Check out our full write-up on landing page best practices that convert.
We also recommend leveraging conversational marketing to create a better use experience.
Ready to build your form? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro includes lots of free templates and offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.
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