Best antispam plugins for wordpress

7 Best Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress

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Are you looking for the best anti-spam plugins for WordPress?

WordPress sites tend to get targeted by spammers quite frequently. Fortunately, some excellent WordPress plugins can help you protect your website from spam.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the best anti-spam plugins that we’ve tried and would recommend!

How Do I Protect My WordPress Site From Spam?

There are several tools you can use to protect your website from spam, including popular CAPTCHA services like Google reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha. For WordPress websites, in particular, you should install an anti-spam plugin to protect your site.

These include popular plugins like WPForms and Akismet. In the rest of this article, we’ll discuss these two plugins and a few more of the best WordPress anti-spam plugins.

Best Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress

1. WPForms

The WPForms homepage

WPForms is the leading WordPress form builder plugin and is one of the best WordPress plugins for fighting spam.

Unprotected WordPress forms are likely to get targeted by spammers. Fortunately, WPForms offers a range of useful tools that help you create several layers of protection against this.

To start with, there are native WPForms anti-spam tools, such as the WPForms anti-spam token and the WPForms Custom Captcha field.

Custom Captcha Question

In addition to these, you can strengthen your anti-spam defenses using CAPTCHA services like Google reCAPTCHA with WPForms.

In addition, WPForms integrates with Akismet. While Akismet is primarily a comment spam protection tool, the integration with WPForms allows it to expand its spam filters to contact forms as well. It’s an excellent alternative to reCAPTCHA because it doesn’t require users to solve any complicated challenges in order to flag suspicious activity.

You can enable Akismet with a simple toggle switch in the Spam Protection and Security settings in WPForms. But you must have Akismet activated on your site first for this option to appear.

Enable the option for Akismet anti-spam protection

Akismet will proceed to protect these forms by filtering form entries using its huge database of known spam and by analyzing on-page user behavior. Here’s the step-by-step guide to filtering contact form spam with Akismet.

Additionally, WPForms is one of the very few form builders to support Cloudfare Turnstile (see Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms vs WPForms). It’s another frictionless spam prevention method free from complicated puzzles.

Cloudfare Turnstile

You can add Cloudfare Trunstile to your forms using a similar method to other Captcha tools.

And that’s not all. WPForms also allows you to use its country and keyword filters to block spam proactively.

So if you’re getting loads of spam from one country in particular or want to block submissions with specific words, you can simply hop into the WPForms form settings and block these spam sources for good.

keyword filtering

Another great feature that WPForms has is the ability to flag spam entries. You can also enable this with just a flick of a toggle switch in your form’s Spam Protection and Security settings.

Enable to store spam entries in the database

When you enable this setting, WPForms will flag any suspicious form entries as spam. You can view those entries and delete them. If you see any that aren’t spam, you can click Not Spam in the Actions column.

Manage your spam entries in WPForms

This feature gives you a lot of control over your form entries so that you never have to worry about losing time dealing with spam.

Given its range of anti-spam options, we’d say WPForms is by far the best anti-spam solution for protecting your forms.

If you’re experiencing troubles with reCAPTCHA, we recommend checking out these tips for troubleshooting reCAPTCHA in WordPress.

WPForms Pricing: WPForms Pro license comes at $199.50 annually.

2. Akismet

Akismet homepage

Akismet is one of the leading anti-spam tools for WordPress sites. You can use it along with tools like WPForms, or on its own, primarily as a way to stop spam comments.

Akismet is owned by the team behind WordPress, so it integrates seamlessly and usually comes pre-installed with most WordPress installations.

One of the things that makes Akismet so great is that it works quietly in the background, creating a user-friendly experience while stopping spam dead in its tracks.

Akismet Pricing: Akismet is free to use for nonprofits, while individual users are allowed to pay what they’d like. Commercial pricing plans start at $8.33 per month, billed yearly.

3. Titan Anti-Spam & Security

titan anti spam

Titan Anti-Spam & Security is a powerful anti-spam and security management solution for WordPress sites.

The plugin checks for spam on your site by vetting comments against its global spam database. It also uses a self-learning neural network that rechecks published comments for malicious content, constantly improving its ability to spot spam.

We also appreciate its additional security features like brute force protection and a malware scanner available for free.

Titan Anti Spam & Security Pricing: Titan Anti-Spam & Security is free to get started with.

4. Zero Spam for WordPress

zero spam for wordpress home

Zero Spam for WordPress is a flexible anti-spam plugin that helps to stop spam on your site using a mix of methods.

Primarily, this plugin relies on its AI algorithms to analyze and detect spambots. It can also use Javascript to prevent bots from leaving spam on your site without ruining the user experience.

One thing we think you might love about using this plugin is that it allows you to block specific IP addresses or countries, cities, and so on if you’ve been getting tons of spam from those places.

Zero Spam for WordPress pricing: Zero Spam for WordPress is free to get started with.

5. Antispam Bee

antispam bee

Antispam Bee is a really easy-to-use plugin for fighting spam on your website. This plugin works by screening suspected spam against its database of known spam entries.

When we tried it out, one feature we particularly found useful was being able to block or permit comments in a specific language only. Additionally, with Antispam Bee, you’ll be able to add further restrictions like blocks on specific countries or regions.

In addition to being really easy to set up, the plugin also offers a nice dashboard for monitoring spam within the WordPress admin area.

Antispam Bee Pricing: Antispam Bee is free to get started with. 

6. Spam Protection, AntiSpam, FireWall

spam protection anti-spam firewall home

Spam protection, AntiSpam Firewall by clean talk is one of the highest-rated anti-spam plugins available on the WordPress plugin directory.

In our testing, we were impressed by its comprehensive anti-spam protection, covering comments, forms, login pages, and even forms.

The plugin works in the background, so it’s great for providing a good user experience while protecting your forms effectively.

Spam Protection AntiSpam FireWall pricing: Spam Protection AntiSpam Firewall offers a free trial with paid use starting at $12 annually.

7. WP Armour

wp armour home

WP Armour is an easy-to-use anti-spam plugin that works in the background similarly to Akismet. If user experience is really important to you, this is one of the best anti-spam solutions to consider.

WP Armour uses a clever Javascript technique to create a “honeypot trap.” This is an extra hidden field that only bots can see. When they fill out this field, the plugin flags the content as spam and blocks it.

When we tried it out, we liked the fact that WP Armour is compatible with several leading form builders, including WPForms, Gravity Forms, Elementor, and so on.

WP Armour pricing: WP Armour is free to get started with.

Which is the Best Anti-Spam Plugin for WordPress?

For the most comprehensive anti-spam protection, we’d recommend using the WPForms Pro license along. With WPForms Pro, you’ll get the following:

  • The full range of CAPTCHA tools, including Google reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, Cloudflare Turnstile, and WPForms Custom Captcha
  • WPForms anti-spam token
  • WPForms native Akismet integrations
  • WPForms Country and Keyword filters

Overall, if you’re looking for a one-stop solution to WordPress spam, WPForms is the best anti-spam plugin you can find.

And there you have it! You now know about the top WordPress anti-spam plugins and are ready to stop all kinds of spam on your site!

Next, Stop Bots From Filling Your Forms

Now that we’ve discussed some anti-spam options for WordPress, we can take a deep dive into some more specific anti-spam WordPress solutions. Here’s how to stop bots from filling out your forms!

Are you looking for ways to improve efficiency and sustainability in your business processes? One simple tip that can lead to significant improvements is to use less paper! Here’s how to go paperless in a few simple steps.

If you run an affiliate program on a WordPress site, you might find our guide to setting up affiliate link tracking quite useful. And if you run a small online community,  we’d recommend reading how to create a WordPress registration form with PayPal enabled.

Create Your WordPress Form Now

Ready to build your forms? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro includes lots of free templates and offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.

If this article helped you out, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more free WordPress tutorials and guides.

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