Lead Form vs Landing Page

Lead Form vs Landing Page: Which Is Best?

There are many ways to capture leads on your website. But two tools in particular have always served marketers exceptionally well – lead forms and landing pages.

The question is, which is best for your business? The short answer is both.

Lead forms and landing pages can be effective for virtually any website. The key is to make sure you’re utilizing your landing page and/or lead forms for the purposes they serve best.

In the rest of this post, I’ll give you the long answer, highlighting different examples and use case scenarios to help you better understand lead forms vs landing pages.

Lead Form vs Landing Page: Which Is Best?

Let’s take a closer look at lead forms and landing pages one by one. Remember, this isn’t a battle of the better option between the two, but rather a breakdown of what works best for your specific goals.

Lead Forms

First, I’ll discuss lead forms and show you how to create one for your website in the easiest way possible!

What Are Lead Forms?

Lead forms capture basic information from visitors to allow them to subscribe to your mailing list. These forms are typically short and concise, and appear as part of a webpage, popup, or embedded within content.

Lead form example

It’s common for lead forms to ask for essential details like name, email, and phone number. But you can also ask for additional details depending on your requirements (as long as you keep the form fairly short).

Advantages of Lead Forms

  • Simplicity: Easy to create and use, ensuring a smooth user experience for visitors
  • Versatile placement: Lead forms can be embedded anywhere, which is ideal for grabbing attention
  • Conversion-driven: Ideal for offering instant rewards in exchange for the visitor’s email address.

When to Use Lead Forms

Lead forms are ideal when you want to embed the form strategically inside your popular posts, sidebar widgets, or even on your landing page. Marketers typically use lead forms in the following scenarios:

  • Building an email list with concise and minimalist forms
  • Lead magnets and gated content where the goal is to boost your lead collection by offering a valuable resource in exchange (eBooks, freebies etc.)
  • Offering a quick promotion or discount
  • On high-traffic posts and pages to boost form conversions by embedding the form within content or displaying it as a popup

How to Build and Embed Your Lead Form

You can build lead forms incredibly quickly in WordPress using the WPForms plugin.

Step 1: Install WPForms Pro and Activate Addons

WPForms Pro lets you build high-converting lead forms that are designed to provide a frictionless and distraction-free experience to your visitors.

If you don’t have a license yet, go ahead and get WPForms ProOur doc guide on WPForms installation details the installation steps.

The WPForms homepage

After installing the plugin, I recommend activating the Lead Forms addon. This addon converts your form into a multi-page form automatically.

It’s quite effective when you want to embed a highly interactive form that takes only limited space on your site for maximum usability.

To activate the Lead Forms addon, open your WordPress dashboard and go to WPForms » Addons.

WPForms addons

On the addons screen, type lead forms in the search box. Once you’ve done that, click on the Install Addon button under Lead Forms.

Install lead forms addon

With that, the addon will install in just a few seconds.

Great! Now, it’s time to start building your own custom lead form.

Get WPForms Pro Now 🚀

Step 2: Create Your Lead Form

From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to WPForms » Add New.

Add New

On the next screen, you can give a name to your form and choose a template.

With a ready-made template, you can build your lead form in no time. For this example, I’m using the Personal Trainer Lead Capture Form template.

Trainer lead capture form template

This is one of many form templates configured by default to use the Lead Form mode. When this mode is active, the form displays only one field at a time, adding Page Breaks between each field.

Lead form loaded

You’re free to add, remove, edit, or reorder fields in your form, so you don’t have to use the template as-is.

However, I’ll make use of the template without any further changes for simplicity’s sake. For a detailed guide, see our tutorial on creating multi-page lead forms.

You can access additional settings about your form by going to Settings » Lead Forms.

Lead form settings

You can use the Enable Lead Form Mode toggle button to either turn this mode on or off. When enabled, you’ll have additional settings underneath.

Lead Form settings

You can choose an Accent Color by clicking on the color picker. Beyond that, you can go much further by selecting the Advanced Style Settings toggle button.

These expanded settings allow you deeper control over your form design elements.

Lead form advanced styling

Make any adjustments as necessary. Then, click on the Save button at the top.

Save form

Good job! All that remains now is to embed your form.

Step 3: Embed Your Lead Form

WPForms gives you several options for embedding your forms. If you want to embed your form on a new page or an existing one, you can press the Embed button at the top.

embed form

After that, you can follow through the intuitive on-screen instructions and prompts to embed your form.

Lead forms intended to collect email signups are rarely used as standalone forms appearing independently as the only element on a page. So, you’ll likely want to embed your lead form on a post or sidebar widget.

To embed your form on a post or article, simply create a new post or edit an existing one. Then, press the ‘+‘ icon at the top-left.

Plus icon

Then, type WPForms to instantly locate the WPForms block. Drag and drop this block inside your post to any spot that you find strategically appropriate (such as after the introduction or in the middle of the body).

WPForms block

Once you’ve inserted the WPForms block, use the dropdown menu to select the form you want to embed.

Select a form

As soon as you’ve selected the form, it will appear on your screen.

Lead form embedded on post editor

Once you’ve developed the content for your post and are ready to publish it, go ahead and press the Publish button at the top.

Publish form

Go ahead and check out your published post.  This would be a good time to test your form out by sending the first submission yourself.

Form embedded inside post

Looks pretty neat, right?

If you want to add the form to a widget, see these instructions for embedding forms in a widget for details.

Create Your Lead Form Now 🧲

Landing Pages

It’s time to explore landing pages in the following section.

What Are Landing Pages?

Landing pages are standalone web pages designed with a single focus or call-to-action (CTA). There are two types:

  • Complex Landing Pages: Feature-rich pages with multiple CTAs, compelling copy, visuals, and often a form.
  • Full-Length Forms: Pages that are dedicated entirely to a single page that occupies the full length of the page.

So, which type of landing page should you use for your website? The answer depends on your budget and goals.

If you’re building a page dedicated to a product or service you’re offering, you should create a detailed landing page with professional copywriting and CTAs.

On the other hand, if you’re running a survey or want to collect more detailed information from your customers than what you’d typically ask on a lead form, then a full-length form is more appropriate in this scenario.

 Landing Pages 🖥️Full-Length Forms 📝
  • High conversion potential
  • Brand building and storytelling
  • Offers more flexible customization
  • Focused data collection
  • Easy to create
  • Affordable implementation
  • Requires effort and higher costs
  • Not suited for extensive data collection
  • Lacks room for detailed copy and visuals
Use Cases
  • Product pages with detailed showcases
  • Service pages with details for demos or consultation
  • Surveys
  • Application forms
  • Event Registration

Now that you understand the differences, let’s go through the steps for creating a full-fledged landing page and dedicated form pages.

How to Create a Form Page

Creating a full-length page dedicated to a standalone form requires no specialized skills or knowledge with WPForms. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Install WPForms Pro and the Form Page Addon

As before, you’ll need WPForms Pro installed on your site. Then, go to WPForms » Addon and install the Form Pages addon.

Install Form Pages addon

After that, click WPForms » Add New.

Add New

Enter a name for your form and select a template.

Step 2: Create a New Form

This time, I’m using a survey form template to demonstrate a common use case where full-length forms are typically used.

Use template (anonymous satisfication survey)

After selecting your template, the form will load up in just a few seconds.

E,mployee satisfaction survey

Now, click on Settings » Form Pages on the sidebar. Then, use the toggle button next to Enable Form Page Mode.

Form page mode

Once you’ve done that, you’ll find additional settings appear right underneath. These will allow you to create a title for your form page, add a description, and create the permalink or slug for the page.

Form page settings

If you scroll down further, you can add a header logo, select a custom color scheme, along with other options.

Form page settings - 2

When you’re satisfied, press the Save button. WPForms will create the form page for you immediately as you save the form, which is what makes this so easy!

To view your form page, simply click on the View button next to the permalink box.

View form page

And your full-length form page is now ready to accept detailed information from your visitors in a completely distraction-free environment!

Form page ready

Create a Custom Form Page Now 📜

But what if you need a more structured landing page with multiple sections and copywriting focused on lead capture?

Read on below to learn about creating a detailed landing page.

How to Create a Dedicated Landing Page

Building landing pages is easier when you have professional templates on which to base your design. Here’s how you can create a lead gen landing page on your site:

Step 1: Install SeedProd and Create a New Page

SeedProd is a landing page builder that’s also popular for its easy solution to building Coming Soon or Maintenance Mode pages on your site.

Seedprod home

You can purchase SeedProd and install it by following the same procedure as WPForms. But if you need a guide, see this tutorial on installing WordPress plugins.

Once installed, hover your cursor over SeedProd on your admin sidebar, then select Landing Pages.

Landing Pages Menu

At this point, you’ll see options for creating different types of landing pages. Scroll down and click on Add New Landing Page.

Add landing page

You’ll now see a modal open asking you to enter a name for your page and choose a slug for the page. Enter the details as required to proceed.

Step 2: Select a Page Template and Publish Your Page

Now, it’s time to select a template for your page. There are tons of great examples here so feel free to explore and choose one that best suits your needs.

SeedProd templates

After selecting the template, the page builder will open where you can develop the page by editing its content and adding new blocks with easy drag-and-drop controls.

Page builder screen

To save your changes, press the Save button at the top. And when you’re ready to publish, click the down arrow button next to save to expand the menu and click on Publish.

Publish SeedProd

You can then view your page from the front end. In my example, I’m using a template with a lead form at the bottom.

It’s a simple lead form that’s only meant to collect email addresses, with all other elements contributing towards the same goal, i.e. persuading the visitor to share their email address.

Landing page form

Also read: how to create landing pages in WordPress.

Lead Form vs Landing Page: Which Should You Use?

I hope the difference between lead forms and the two main types of landing pages is clearer to you now. But to recap:

  • Use a lead form when you need to capture leads with minimal commitment.
  • Use a landing page when you want to drive conversions through copywriting with an emphasis on your features, benefits, or services.
  • Use a full-length form page when you want to collect extensive zero-party data for a survey or purposes like event registration.

And there you have it! With these tips, you can make informed decisions about which strategy you should be using to grow your website.

Next, Get Inspired by Lead Form Examples

It’s always helpful to see real examples of lead forms and how other websites leverage this tool for their campaigns. Check out our overview of lead gen form examples to get inspired.

Create Your Lead Form

Ready to build your form? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro includes lots of free templates and offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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Osama Tahir

Osama is a Senior Writer at WPForms. He specializes in taking WordPress plugins apart for testing and sharing his insights with the world. Learn More

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