What's the best logo size for WordPress sites?

What’s the Best Logo Size for WordPress Websites?

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For WordPress websites, a logo size of 250 x 100 pixels is generally considered standard. However, website logo sizes vary considerably in practice, both on WordPress sites and elsewhere.

In this post, I’ll cover the best practices for choosing the right logo sizes for your WordPress site and provide real examples of logos used by popular websites for reference.

What Are the Guidelines for WordPress Logos?

The appropriate logo size for your website header depends on your site theme, which is why logo sizes are highly variable across the web.

Many WordPress themes will suggest the appropriate logo size you should use for the best results. In fact, most themes will automatically resize your logo to ensure the best fit.

Website logo

If you’re unsure, the best approach is to start with the general guideline of using a logo that is 250 x 100 pixels and then make adjustments as needed.

Let’s examine the general guidelines for logos and how they are used in different parts of a site.


The header of your site is the most natural place for your logo to appear. Here are a few important things you should pay attention to when adding your logo to the header:

  • Proportions: The best logo is well-proportioned relative to other elements in your header. Avoid chasing an arbitrary magic number for your logo size; instead, aim for a size that suits your site theme and header.
  • Maximum dimensions: Logos aren’t meant to take up the full width of your site’s header. To leave enough space for your navigational elements, try not to make your logo bigger than 500 px in width and 200 in height.
  • File format: Use the SVG file format for your logos. SVG logos are ideal for responsive design as they can scale up or down flawlessly without appearing pixelated.
  • File size: The file size (not to be confused with dimensional size) of modern logos rarely exceeds 50 KB. If you can’t keep it that low, aim for a maximum of 100 KB to avoid slowing down your page load speed.
  • Link homepage: Logos are always linked to your website’s homepage, serving as a helpful navigational component for user experience.


A favicon is a tiny version of your website’s logo that shows up in browser tabs. Visitors see favicons as a sign of trust since most professional and legitimate websites have them.

Favicon sizes are also much more standardized, so following a general rule here is easier. Typically, websites use these sizes for their favicon:

  • 16 x 16 px
  • 32 x 32 px
  • 48 x 48 px.


Having a logo in your footer isn’t imperative. There are many examples of well-designed websites that feature no logo in the footer.

However, if you want to use a logo in the footer, the same advice applies here for headers—focus on proportions and theme fit.

MemberPress footer logo

Logos in footers are usually the same size as or smaller than those in your header. However, the important thing is to give your logo the right proportions within the context of your overall footer.

Examples of Well-Sized Logos on WordPress Sites

After analyzing numerous website logos, I found that there’s no fixed rule for the ideal logo size.

Most websites that I checked deviated from the standard logo measurements recommended generically for websites. Here are some notable examples:


WPForms header logo

Logo size: 260 x 70 px

The WPForms logo is almost as wide as the standard WordPress logo, but it’s much shorter in height. The vast majority of professionally designed websites use logos that are wide but not very tall.


WPBeginner logo size

Logo size: 140 x 40 px

WPBeginner is the ultimate authority on all things WordPress, so its logo deserves careful consideration. The logo dimensions may seem small when you look at the numbers, but the logo is perfectly proportionate with the site’s header.

It’s the best example of a logo that fits the website theme rather than being forced into a pre-determined size based on general guidelines.

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator logo

Logo size: 200 x 65 px

The Uncanny Automator logo is another example of a logo with a high aspect ratio (or, simply put, a high width-to-height proportion). Despite the brand name taking up two lines in the logo, it takes up merely 65 pixels of height.

Key Takeaways

From these examples (and many more that I looked up), we can draw some definite conclusions about logo size trends.

Despite the wide variations in logo sizes of sites across the web, certain common attributes emerge quite plainly:

  • High aspect ratio: Modern logos almost always have a high aspect ratio with a rectangular layout. It’s fairly common to see aspect ratios of 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, and even higher for web logos. In the past, logos were more square, with aspect ratios of 1:1 and 4:3 being more common.
  • Small overall size: While the aspect ratios are significantly higher today, the overall size of the logos has become smaller. In modern designs, logos only take up a small space in the left corner, allowing sufficient breathing space for other elements of the header. This change is influenced by modern branding trends favoring minimalism.

Guidelines for Logos in Email Notifications

Using logos inside email notifications is an excellent branding practice. The sizes of email logos are quite similar to those of their website header counterparts, featuring high aspect ratios in most cases.

My research analyzing email logos from various brands (Uncanny Automator, WP Mail SMTP, Drip, and others) shows that email logos are typically under 300 x 100 pixels.

WPForms email logo

This is in line with the general guidelines for email logos.

In fact, it’s recommended that you use a logo of size 300 x 100 or under when setting up an email notification template in WPForms.

Wondering how to add a logo to your WPForms notifications? It’s easier than you might think!

Adding a Logo to Your Form Notifications

WPForms lets you create custom email notifications that are automatically sent every time a form is submitted.

You can easily design the general appearance of your form notifications by using ready-made WPForms notification templates. Simply go to WPForms » Settings from your WordPress editor and click on the Email tab.

Email settings

After that, go ahead and select a template for your email. You can hover your cursor over the available templates to either Choose one immediately or see a Preview.

It’s always a good idea to check out the preview first so you know exactly what the template will look like for your form notifications.

select elegant template

Scroll down to the Header Image section and press the Upload button.

Upload image button

At this point, the WordPress File Upload overlay will open, where you can upload your logo image. Remember to upload a logo that’s 300 x 100 or smaller for the best clarity and responsiveness across all devices.

After you’ve uploaded the logo, you’ll see a dropdown menu that allows you to adjust its size. This is an easy way to check our email logo in different sizes and stick with the size that feels just right to you.

Selecting Image Size from Dropdown

You can also change other email settings here, such as typography and color scheme. This guide explains how to create a fully customized email template.

Next, Generate Your Logo With AI

Knowing the best practices and guidelines for creating the ideally sized logo is just the first step. You still need to create a nice logo for your brand in the first place.

Thankfully, AI tools have made this a pretty simple task. With the best AI logo generators and the right prompts, you should have your logo ready in no time!

Ready to build your form? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro includes 1,800+ form templates and offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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