Gravity forms vs Typeform vs WPForms

Gravity Forms vs. Typeform vs. WPForms: Full Comparison

Looking for the best WordPress form plugin? There are quite a few, but WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Typeform is a popular comparison.

We’ll dive into each of these top WordPress form plugins to bring you our verdict on the best one.

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What are the Best WordPress Form Plugins?

WordPress has some great form builder plugins. However, WPForms is the top-rated contact form plugin with a 4.9/5 stars on

Still, it’s helpful to compare WPForms with some of the other top WordPress form plugins so that you can make an informed decision.

When choosing the best one, the most important thing to consider is how well a form plugin does the basic job of collecting, storing, and retrieving form submissions.

Some other things to consider will be how much flexibility the plugin offers in terms of designing and embedding your forms, what useful addons are available, and so on.

We’ll explore these in detail in the next few sections.

WPForms vs. Gravity Forms vs. Typeform: Which is the Best WordPress Form Plugin?

All 3 plugins offer useful features. To help you decide which is right for you, we’ll take a look at their features, ease of use, support, and pricing.

We’ll get started with WPForms.

Is Gravity Forms the Best WordPress Form Plugin?

Gravity forms homepage

Gravity Forms is a popular WordPress form plugin with some nice form-building features. Unlike WPForms, though, it doesn’t offer a free version so you’d have to start with a relatively pricey Basic License.

That said, Gravity Forms does offer some useful features, as you’ll see. First, we’ll start with its form management.

Gravity Form Management

By default, Gravity Forms will store all form entries in the WordPress dashboard. The dashboard also lists all the forms that you’ve created with Gravity Forms and shows you stats like the number of entries, views, and conversion rate for each form.

gravity forms form management screen

Gravity Forms can also be enhanced with a number of third-party addons. For example, there is a bulk edit feature, which comes with the GravityEdit addon. There’s also a GravityActions addon that allows you to bulk-update entries quickly.

Gravity Forms also offers an addon for undoing changes called GravityRevisions. This is similar to WPForms’ forms revision. But while WPForms offers this as a built-in feature for free, Gravity Forms only offers it as an addon that costs extra.

There’s a Form Locator addon that shows you all the pages on your site where a specific form is being used. But like many other Gravity Forms features, this will cost you extra. In contrast, WPForms includes the form locator feature for free right out of the box.

Gravity Forms Ease of Use

Creating a new form in Gravity Forms is easy to do but not as convenient as it is in WPForms. The most noticeable limitation in Gravity Forms is that templates are not readily available within the form builder.

To use any templates, you’ll have to download them from Gravity Forms’ website and then import them. Other form builders, like WPForms, let you select a template with just a single click.

There also aren’t that many form templates to choose from in Gravity Forms, with just 14 compared to the 1,900+ form templates you’ll get pre-loaded with WPForms.

Creating forms using the Gravity Forms builder is simple enough though. All you’ll have to do is drag and drop form fields from the panel on the right.

Gravity forms builder

Unfortunately, though, Gravity Forms does not offer a live preview option so you’ll have to interrupt your workflow by clicking the preview button to see what your forms look like on the frontend of your website.

In Gravity Forms, the main form editor and form settings exist as separate pages. This means that you’ll have to leave the editor to access settings and vice versa.

This makes the whole process of building your form a bit slow in Gravity Forms.

In contrast, the form editor and settings co-exist on the same screen in WPForms, so you never have to reload your page as you move between different parts of the editor.

Gravity Forms Support

In addition to its documentation, users can contact the Gravity Forms support team from Mondays through Fridays. Gravity Forms also offers a helpful user community.

Gravity Forms Design and Styling

Gravity Forms offers limited styling and design options, and primarily takes its styling from your WordPress theme. You can make up for this with the Styles and Layouts for Gravity Forms addon, which provides a good range of features.

For instance, you’ll be able to work with CSS properties such as background color, font size, font family, and so on.

But, again, the Styles and Layouts for Gravity Forms is a third-party addon, which is something to keep in mind.

Gravity Forms support

We’d say Gravity Forms’ support offering is competitive when compared with WPForms and Typeform.

Other Gravity Forms Features

  • Drag and drop form builder
  • Paginated forms
  • Conditional logic
  • Custom form CSS
  • Language support

Gravity Forms Pricing

Gravity Forms starts at $59 per year for its Basic License.

Now that we’ve taken a look at Gravity Forms, we’ll dive into the third WordPress form plugin, Typeform, in the next section.

Is Typeform the Best Form Builder?


Unlike WPForms and Gravity Forms which are solely WordPress plugins, Typeform is a an online form-building tool. With Typeform, your forms will be built offsite. You can then embed them in WordPress.

Typeform is mainly designed for conversational forms. You can create some beautiful and highly dynamic forms using Typeform, but it doesn’t support classic form layouts. WPForms is one of the few form builders that supports both types of form layouts.

So how else does Typeform compare with WPForms and Gravity Forms? Let’s find out!

Typeform Form Management

Typeform stores all of your forms and entries in your Typeform workspace. The workspace interface is pretty neatly designed. It shows you details like the number of questions, responses, completion rate, and date of creation for each form.

Typeform form management

You can also export form entries to tools such as Trello, Google Sheets, and so on.

However, if you’re making forms for your WordPress site, you’ll likely prefer the ability to manage your forms from within your WordPress dashboard. Unfortunately, Typeform doesn’t support form management from WordPress. Your only option is to log in to the Typeform website to access your forms.

Besides, Typeform is considerably more limited than WPForms and Gravity Forms. For example, Typeform doesn’t back up different copies of your forms as you make changes. This means that if any mistakes happen, you won’t be able to quickly undo them.

There’s also no way for Typeform to tell you the location of each embedded form. If you’re using Typeform forms at various locations on your website, you’ll have to rely on your memory when you need to find them.

Typ, Typeform is a good option but here are some Typeform alternatives to consider before you decide.

Typeform Ease of Use

Using Typeform is very easy. One big plus for Typeform is its huge library of 3000+ prebuilt form templates. There are some great-looking form templates in its library and they cover pretty much every use case you can think of.

The Typeform template library

The Typeform editor is really simple to use. The interface includes a live preview of the form, a left-hand pane displaying each question field currently added to the form, and the right-hand pane that lets you change the settings, design, and logic for each question field.

Typeform main interface

Another cool feature about Typeform is that it supports different embed styles. For instance, you can embed forms using inline, popup, and various other styles.

The drawback is that forms can only be embedded using shortcodes. On the other hand, WPForms enables you to embed forms directly without any codes at all.

Typeform Design and Styling

Typeform is great for creating beautiful forms with a focus on user experience. You can easily edit the design and theme of each question or choose from existing themes from the Gallery.

Typeform design

Overall, design and styling is one of the strongest aspects of Typeform.

Typeform Support

For support, you can ask questions in the Typeform online community, or create a support ticket. Users on paid plans can use Typeform’s live chat for more direct access.

typeform support

This is a nice range of options to have, so we’d say as far as support goes, you’ll be getting a pretty good value.

Other Typeform Features

  • Multiple third-party integrations
  • Calculator logic
  • Webhooks

Typeform Pricing

Typeform offers a free plan but this is limited. You can only gather up to 10 responses in total every month for your forms, which makes Typeform’s free plan difficult to use long-term.

Typeform’s paid plans start at $25 per month. This makes Typeform considerably more expensive than alternatives like WPForms, especially when WPForms’ list of features is far more extensive than Typeform (and it also supports Conversational Forms, much like Typeform).

Is WPForms the Best WordPress Form Plugin?

The WPForms homepage

As we’ve mentioned, WPForms is the leading WordPress form plugin. You can use it for free, with WPForms Lite, or use one of our paid plans.

Both WPForms Lite and WPForms paid plans come with a powerful form builder that makes it easy for users of all levels to design any kind of online form.

WPForms Pro also provides users with plenty of useful addons. The best part is that we’re always adding new features so you can achieve more things 

Let’s explore how WPForms stacks up against the competition in the areas of form management, ease of use, design and styling, support, and pricing.

Form Management

Form management is the core of what you need your WordPress form plugin to do well, so it makes sense to choose a form plugin that’s built on solid fundamentals. This is one of the areas where WPForms excels.

First of all, you’ll likely want a form plugin that stores entries right in the WordPress dashboard, making them easier to manage. By default, you’ll have this feature if you’re using a WPForms paid license.

View SendFox WordPress form entries in WPForms

But even with WPForms Lite, you can still use the entry backups tool to store your entries. That means you can import the entries into your dashboard later when you upgrade to a Pro license.

Additionally, WPForms offers some advanced form management features both in its paid and free versions.

For instance, it offers form locations that allow you to see all the locations on your website where you’ve embedded your forms.

Form locations list

If you’re worried about breaking a form while editing it or accidentally removing it, WPForms has got you covered on that front too! The form revisions feature saves different versions of the same form as you make changes.

You can easily go back to a previous version if a team member made changes without your knowledge or if you simply want to undo a major change.

Restoring an older version of a form using form revisions

As the number of active forms increases on your site, you can add tags to forms of a similar type to find them easier from your dashboard later on. The form tags features can greatly improve your workflow with better form organization.

Form tags

WPForms paid licenses include even more form management benefits. For instance, you’ll be able to star entries or mark them as read or unread.

You’ll also be able to filter and sort entries to find specific ones. And if you would like to use the data away from WordPress, you can easily export it. The Google Sheets addon will even do this for you automatically.

WPForms Pro and Elite plans also support intelligent data analysis through the survey reporting feature.

Survey reporting provides an intuitive reporting dashboard for analyzing surveys conducted using  WPForms.

A survey results chart

And that’s not all. There are many more unique features on offer with WPForms.

For example, neither Gravity Forms nor Typeform offers the range of spam prevention tools you’ll have with WPForms.

Apart from Google reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, and Custom Captcha, WPForms also offers anti-spam form tokens. This spam-blocking technique requires no extra configurations and effectively blocks most kinds of form spam.

Ease of Use

It’s really easy to get started with WPForms.  If you don’t know how to install WordPress plugins, this guide to installing plugins is a great place to get started.

To use a WPForms paid plan, you’ll have to purchase a license and download the plugin from the WPForms website.

You can then get started with creating new forms in just a few steps.

In the WordPress dashboard, on the left-hand panel, you’ll see a new entry labeled WPForms. Click on this and then on Add New.

Add new model release form

You’ll have to give your form a name, and then you can either choose from the templates provided or build a new form from scratch.

If you would rather use a template to speed things up, WPForms comes with 1,900+ WordPress form templates.

wpforms template library

Forms can be embedded in pages or posts in 3 ways. You can use the embed wizard to embed a form once you’ve created it, or add it via the block editor if you’re using the Gutenberg editor.

You can also add forms to pages by copying and pasting their shortcode on the page where you’d like to use them.

Embedding a newsletter signup form from the form builder

In addition to being able to embed forms in posts and pages, you might also want to embed your forms in a sidebar or footer. WPForms allows you to do all of these with ease.

WPForms Design and Styling

You can easily style WPForms forms using custom CSS, or if you aren’t familiar with CSS, a WordPress CSS plugin like CSSHero.

Additionally, if you’re working with a page builder like Elementor, Divi, or SeedProd, you’ll have native WPForm modules in each of these page builders. These will give you an additional layer of control over the styling of your forms.

WPForms Support

WPForms offers a few different support options designed to cater to all levels of WordPress experience.

The first place to get started with WPForms support needs is WPForms Documentation. Here, you will find lots of guides to troubleshooting any challenges you might face with WPForms.

wpforms docs

And if you would like more direct support, users with a premium license can send a support ticket and receive a response from the support team within 24 hours, from Mondays through Fridays.

There is also an official WPForms Facebook group called VIP Circle, where, in addition to receiving updates from WPForms, anyone can get some help or discuss some issues with the WPForms community.

Considering the range of options on offer and WPForms’ affordably priced offerings, we’d say this is great value for money.

Other WPForms Features

  • Powerful and easy-to-use form builder
  • 1,900+ form templates
  • A Comprehensive suite of form management tools allowing you to save form entries in WordPress, easily view all forms, and use form revisions to manage changes
  • Conversational Forms
  • Conditional Logic
  • Powerful CAPTCHA tools including hCaptcha, reCAPTCHA, & custom Captcha.
  • 7,000+ Third-party integrations

WPForms Pricing

Pricing is another area where WPForms stands apart from other WordPress form plugins. To begin with, WPForms Lite is entirely free, while offering full form-building functionality.

Paid plans start at an extremely affordable $49.50 annually.

Now that we’ve taken a close look at WPForms, let’s compare it with Gravity Forms, and then with Typeform.

WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Typeform: Our Verdict

After analyzing the main aspects of these 3 form builders, we can safely say that WPForms offers the best value for money as far as WordPress form plugins are concerned.

WPForms is the only form builder that includes valuable form management tools for free:

  • Form locations
  • Form tags
  • Form revisions and trash
  • Form search

While Gravity Forms offers some of these features, these are only available as addons that you need to pay extra for. For this reason, WPForms stands out as the best option as regards form management capability.

Besides, Typeform only allows you to create conversational forms and Gravity Forms only supports classic form layouts. WPForms has the distinction of being one of the few form builders that support both classic and conversational form layouts.

WPForms 5 star reviews

WPForms’ form builder is extremely user-friendly and lets you change settings, add fields, and build a complete form from the same interface. Plus, you can use any one of the 1,900+ form templates with a single click.

Finally, WPForms doesn’t impose any form or response limits in its free plan, which means you can create fully functional forms to support your business with WPForms Lite. And the paid plans start only at $49.50 per year.

At this cost, no other form builder covers the same range of features as WPForms. This is why WPForms is the standout form maker for this comparison.

And that’s all we have for you today! Hopefully, you can now make an informed decision to grab the right form builder between Gravity Forms vs Typeform vs WPForms.

Next, Compare WPForms With Other Alternatives

We’ve just covered a comparison between WPForms and two competitors, to help you decide which WordPress form plugin to use. If you would like a little more information before you decide, check out our guide to the top alternatives to WPForms. You might also be interested in our guide to the top contact form builders for Elementor.

Create Your WordPress Form Now

Ready to build your forms? Get started with the most powerful WordPress forms plugin today. Go for WPForms Pro which comes with awesome integrations including payment options like Square, PayPal, and Stripe.

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