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Editorial Team



  • WordPress
  • WPForms
  • Digital marketing
  • Small business


Our Editorial Team combines deep knowledge of WordPress with practical business insights. Through our articles, we offer clear guidance on using WPForms effectively, optimizing your WordPress site, and implementing strategies to grow your small business.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your online presence, we provide actionable advice to support your journey. Our content covers a wide range of topics, from form-building techniques to website optimization and customer engagement strategies.

We break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand guides, helping you make informed decisions about your online business tools and practices.

We're committed to your success and aim to be your trusted resource for all things related to online forms, WordPress, and small business growth.

Read our Editorial Policy to learn more about the principles that guide us as we create helpful content.

How to Track the Customer Journey Without Google Analytics

How to Track the Customer Journey (Without Google Analytics)

Do you want to track the customer journey without using Google Analytics for your WordPress website? Setting up Google Analytics can be complicated for most users, and privacy issues come with the tool. User Journey addon is easy to set up, and you don't need to add any tracking code manually like with Google Analytics. In this article, we will guide you on how to track the customer journey with the User Journey Addon by WPForms

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WordPress monthly maintenance tasks

7 WordPress Monthly Maintenance Tasks (Checklist)

Are you concerned about keeping your WordPress website in the best of health?

Good, regular maintenance is a must. If you're not sure what tasks to focus on or what tools to use, this article is a great place to start.

We've put together a quick checklist of maintenance tasks that every website must perform regularly to ensure your site continues to function smoothly.

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The wpforms_wp_footer_end action that is triggered at the end of the page load only if a form created with WPForms is found on the page and when all other scripts are loaded.

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