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WordPress Tutorials, Tips, and Resources to Help Grow Your Business

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How to show a payment field based on date field input

How to Show a Payment Field Based on a Date in WordPress

Creating conditional payment fields in WordPress forms is straightforward with WPForms, especially for handling event registrations and time-sensitive services. If you want to show a payment field when a user selects a certain date in your form, utilizing the Calculations addon offers an effective solution.

By integrating WPForms with the Calculations addon, you can dynamically display payment fields based on user input dates, ensuring seamless user interactions without complex coding. This guide walks you through setting up conditional payment fields, from installing WPForms and the necessary addon to utilizing Hidden fields and custom formulas for date comparisons.

Continue reading to see two practical implementations of using a Date field’s value as a parameter for conditional logic in WPForms.

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WPForms 2024 Year in Review

WPForms 2024 Year in Review (Annual Report)

2024 was a major year for WPForms!

We have over 6 million active installs and more than 245 million total downloads. We’re the #7 most popular plugin on WordPress.org with more than 13,000 5-Star reviews.

Read more about everything we achieved in 2024!

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How to assign user roles conditionally in WordPress

How to Assign User Roles Conditionally in WordPress

Have you ever needed to assign specific user roles automatically in WordPress? This can be particularly useful for sites that require unique roles based on user actions or membership status. Here’s where WPForms comes into play!

With WPForms and the User Registration addon, you can create a registration form on your WordPress site. With a custom PHP snippet, you can update the User Registration addon’s default behaviour to allow conditional user role assignment.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps of setting up a user registration form that assigns user role conditionally in WordPress.

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The Best WordPress Drag and Drop Form Builder Plugin

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How to Automate Form Submission Follow-Up Emails

Do you want to engage leads and customers after they submit a form on your website? A follow-up email is an effective way to do it. Especially when that follow-up email includes a survey or some other feedback loop.

But can you automate this follow-up email process? Absolutely! And what about delaying these follow-up emails by a few days? That’s no problem either.

WPForms coupled with Uncanny Automator is your solution for automating this entire process without writing a single line of code.

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How to Randomize Form Fields in WordPress

Are you looking for a way to make your forms smarter and more reliable? Randomizing your fields guarantees that each option has an equal chance of being selected, making it a powerful tool for surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to randomize form fields in WordPress using WPForms easily. With just a few simple steps, you can create dynamic forms that help you gather better insights and improve user engagement.

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