About Our Team

Introducing our proficient content writer with extensive expertise.

Shahzad Saeed

Senior Content Manager at WPBeginner


  • WordPress
  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • SEO
  • Blogging


Shahzad holds the position of Senior Content Manager at WPBeginner, where he oversees and manages the largest free WordPress resource for beginners, used by over 2 million people in 190 countries.

Shahzad has been writing online content since 2008 and using WordPress since 2010. His work has been featured in popular internet marketing blogs, including Problogger.net, JohnChow.com, DailyBlogTips.com, and more.

How to Create a WordPress Upload Form to Amazon S3

Do you want to send a user submitted files to your Amazon S3 account from Wordpress? With WPForms, you can allow users to submit files through your WordPress forms, and automatically send it to your Amazon S3 account. Let’s take a look at the how to create a WordPress upload form to Amazon S3. Before […]

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How to Automatically Add a Google Contact From Your WordPress Forms

Are you wondering how to automatically send a contact to your Google account from your WordPress form? Sending all the contact details to your Google account allows you to easily access them on different Google properties like Gmail, Android, etc. The good news is, there’s no need to use a separate WordPress Google Contacts plugin […]

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3 Form Success Message Ideas to Boost Customer Happiness

Looking for ideas for a thank you message to display when users submit your form?

Creating the right thank you message is important for your business because it can have a lasting and meaningful impact on your customer.

In this post, we’ll show you some success message ideas to use on your WordPress forms to boost customer happiness.

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