Would you like to find a way to prevent spam on your WordPress site without using reCAPTCHA? Asking users to complete a test before submitting your form or logging into your site can make for a poor user experience. Plus, many site owners have had data privacy issues with reCAPTCHA. In this post, we'll share some alternatives for keeping your site spam-free.
How to Pre-Populate Fields in the Same Form
This tutorial will walk you through how to take values entered from a field and pre-populate another field inside the same form.
How to Customize the Form Revisions Limit
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use a PHP filter to customize the form revisions limit by either changing the number of revisions saved or just turning them off completely.
How to Identify Common Theme Conflicts
This tutorial will walk you through the common theme conflicts that can sometimes occur.
The wpforms_save_resume_tasks_deleteexpiredentriestask_expire_period filter is used to determine how many days should pass before Partial entries are deleted when using the Save and Resume addon.
How to Automatically Resend User Activation Link Emails
This snippet will show you how to add a snippet to automatically resend user activation links if the user hasn't activated their account.