This tutorial will show you how to send the geolocation through webhooks using a small PHP snippet.
The wpforms_form_pages_content_after action fires after a form is displayed on the site’s frontend, only if the form exists and contains fields, and was created with the Form Pages addon.
The wpforms_form_pages_content_before action fires before a form is displayed on the site’s frontend, only if the form exists, contains fields, and was created with the Form Pages addon.
The wpforms_form_pages_footer action is triggered at the end of the template that is used with the Form Pages addon.
Customizing PDF Styling When Printing an Entry
This tutorial will help you style your print screen when printing an entry.
Setting the Default Address Scheme to International
This article will walk you through how to set adefault address scheme setting each time you add the Address field to any of your forms.