
Introducing WPForms 1.6.8 – Refreshed Form Builder + New Templates

We’re proud to announce that WPForms 1.6.8 was just rolled out and it’s a really exciting update.

The form builder has been completely refreshed, and we’ve added hundreds of new form templates. Our team has put a ton of work into this update, and we truly believe that re-tooling the builder was 100% worth it (especially if it makes running your small business website simpler).

There’s a lot to love about the fresh-faced form builder, so buckle in as we jump right into what’s new with the WPForms plugin.

Refreshed Form Builder

There’s now a cleaner, more optimized look and feel inside the form builder.

form builder refresh fields

We gave the visual editor you know and love a good polish and reworking. Everything that makes the drag and drop builder so great is now easier than ever to find.

It’s been five years since we launched the plugin and although it’s gone through some major changes, we felt it was time to refresh the form builder itself.

We wanted to streamline your experience across the plugin by making things more consistent, both with how it works and how it looks.

Previously, we used toggle switches in some places and checkboxes in others. We also found we were using multiple versions of toggle switches with arbitrary colors. We want the experience using the plugin to be seamless and intuitive, so we organized and aligned all controls, styles, and colors across the entire form builder.

wpforms builder refresh toggles

It wasn’t a small feat: Every part of the UI was assessed and improved accordingly, so we’ve been hard at work hoping we could continue to help you take your forms to new heights, easily.

We’ve improved the form builder performance for both day-to-day use as well as when you’re working with larger, more robust forms. That way, everyone benefits from this tune-up, regardless of how you use your forms.

Included in this large scale optimization across all screens, here are some notable additions the refresh of the form builder brings:

Streamlined Field Options

form bulder refresh field options dedicated tabs

We decided to take the features that work great in the builder and make them simpler to find and use. We moved these popular settings into their own dedicated tabs, so you could see them better and access them easier:

  • General Tab: Basic field settings are now located on this default tab and are less cluttered.
  • Advanced Settings Tab: Access field-specific settings quickly and easily in this new tab.
  • Smart Logic Tab: Conditional Logic now has its very own tab nestled inside the Field Options tab.

Form Preview Button

We’ve also added a nifty Preview button to the form builder so you can see what your form looks like as you’re building it.

form preview button in refresh

This way, there are no surprises and you get way more control during the form building experience.

Previously, you had to embed a page first before you could preview it. But now, you can tell exactly what’s happening by seeing a sneak peek of the form. When you click on the Preview button, a new window will launch displaying the form in its current status, even as you’re still editing.

We think you’ll love what’s new in this form builder refresh. There are even more tweaks and additions you’ll spot all around the form builder. There’s a lot that’s moved and changed in the new form builder, but all for the better.

Because we know that when it’s easier, quicker, and simpler to manage your website forms, you can get more done as a small business owner. And that’s why we put so much into getting the new form builder just right. We hope you enjoy using it.

But that’s not all. The makeover of the form builder includes another big addition today.

Brand New Form Templates

We’re thrilled to let you know that even more form templates have been created.

There’s a brand new templates area that includes hundreds of templates. Making launching, growing, and managing your small business website a piece of cake.

new wpforms form template

You’ll notice a spiffy new categories section underneath the helpful search function bar that has shifted to the left-hand panel of the Setup screen.

This is super exciting because all WPForms users now have easy instant access to a huge library of new templates (and we’re adding more all the time).

Instead of simply scrolling through all of the templates we offer, you can now easily browse through multiple template categories and use the search function to find exactly what you need and get your form up and running as efficiently as possible.

wpforms template categories

What you see now is only the beginning.

We hope to bring you thousands of templates to this growing library. This includes any template suggestions you may have that’ll make things easier for you.

There’s no addon required to access these templates. So keep your eyes peeled on that template screen in the coming weeks – more will be showing up automatically, no update needed!

Moving forward, the Form Templates Pack addon is being discontinued in favor of our new templates area. If you have that addon installed, you’ll see it become deactivated after you update to WPForms 1.6.8. You can then safely remove the addon since all form templates will be accessible right inside the builder automatically.

hundreds of new form templates

We know, really cool stuff, right?

So, along with adding new form templates, the form builder refresh also includes some behind-the-scenes improvements that will optimize the overall performance of the plugin so that the entire experience when building your form is seamless.

Update Your WPForms Plugin Now

That wraps it up for everything new with WPForms. We hope you enjoy the powerful new form builder and form templates.

If you’re not using it yet, today’s a great day to get started with WPForms Pro. You’ll instantly gain access to all those sparkling new templates to use in the redesigned form builder, plus a lot more on the horizon.

We’ve worked extra hard on this release with the hopes that our product makes your work even easier. But we don’t know what works and what doesn’t without your feedback.

So let us know your thoughts on WPForms 1.6.8. Your feedback helps us plan new releases and we appreciate hearing all about your experiences using our product.

As always, thank you for your continued support of WPForms.

Jared Atchison and the WPForms team

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Jared Atchison

Jared is the co-founder of WPForms and lead developer of several other popular WordPress plugins and services, including WP Mail SMTP, Easy WP SMTP, SendLayer, and WP Mail Logging. Learn More

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