This tutorial will show you how to add confetti animation to your confirmation message using JavaScript and PHP.
How to Conditionally Show the Submit Button
This tutorial will show you how to conditionally show the submit button based on answers to your form questions.
Changing the Cache Time on Your Form Token
This snippet will help you change the cache time that is set on your forms.
How to Increment a Count on Each Form Submission
This tutorial will show you how to use PHP to increment a count for each entry inside a hidden field.
How to Change Google reCAPTCHA Language Settings
This article will show you how to change the language for Google reCAPTCHA using a small PHP snippet.
How to Enable GDPR Without Removing the Smart Phone IP Auto-detection
Do you want to enable GDPR without removing the IP auto-detection? With a small snippet, you can easily achieve this and we'll show you how!