This tutorial will show you how to customize the Number Slider by allowing decimals to be used instead of only whole numbers.
How to Restrict Coupons by Amount
In this tutorial, we'll use a PHP action to restrict coupons from processing if under a set amount.
The wpforms_process_validate_payment-coupon action fires validation on the Coupon form field when the form is submitted.
The wpforms_coupons_admin_coupons_edit_time_format filters default settings for the time dropdown when editing or creating coupons with the Coupons Addon.
The wpforms_coupons_admin_coupons_edit_date_format filters default settings for the date picker when editing or creating coupons with the Coupons Addon.
How to Create a Default Prefix for Your Coupons
This tutorial will show you how easy it is to set up a default prefix for your coupons when using the Coupons addon.