Square Addon

Square Addon is a Pro Feature

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Would you like to accept payments through your WordPress forms? With our Square addon for WPForms, you can easily process credit card payments using your own custom payment forms.

This tutorial will show you how to set up the Square addon and integrate it with your forms so you can start taking payments.


  • You will need a Pro license level or higher to access the Square Addon
  • Ensure that you’ve installed the latest version of WPForms to meet the minimum required version for the Square addon
  • Square requires your site to have SSL (HTTPS) enabled on the page where you’re adding a live payment form, as this allows you to securely send credit card data to Square. For more details, please see WPBeginner’s guide to adding SSL and HTTPS in WordPress

Before you dive into the tutorial below, make sure WPForms is installed and activated on your WordPress site and that you’ve verified your license. After that, you can install and activate the Square addon.

Connecting Square to Your WordPress Site

WPForms enables you to connect your site to Square in just a few clicks. First, go to WPForms » Settings in your WordPress admin area and click on the Payments tab.

Accessing the Payments settings for WPForms

Under the Payments section, make sure the Currency dropdown is set to the same currency your Square account uses.

Configuring the currency setting for WPForms payments

If these settings do not match, Square won’t be able to process your payments and you’ll see an error message when you try to connect your Square account to WPForms.

The error message that appears if your WPForms currency does not match your Square account's currency

Once you’ve set your currency, you can move down to the Square section and click on the Connect with Square button.

The Connect with Square button in the WPForms Payments settings

Note: For WPForms payment integrations, Test mode and Live mode are configured separately. Make sure the Test Mode option is left unchecked to ensure you can process transactions once your form is published.

If you would like to test your form’s Square integration before publishing your form, please see our tutorial on how to test Square payments.

Next, you’ll be prompted to log in to your Square account. Enter your email address and password, then click on Sign In.

Signing in to Square to connect it to WPForms

Square will then ask if you want to grant WPForms certain permissions related to your account. Click on Allow to proceed.

Allowing WPForms to access your Square account

This will bring you back to your WPForms payments settings. If the connection was successful, you’ll see a green checkmark next to Connection Status.

The WPForms Square connection status message

The primary location for your business will also be imported into your WPForms payments settings from Square. If your business has multiple active locations, you can select which one you want to use from the Business Location dropdown.

Selecting a Square business location in the WPForms Payments settings

Note: Locations are managed within your Square account. For help with adding, removing, or editing locations, please see Square’s documentation on this topic.

Lastly, make sure to save your settings before leaving this screen.

Saving your WPForms Payments settings

Adding Square Integration to Your Forms

After you’ve connected your site to Square, you can enable payments for a specific form. To do so, create a new form or edit an existing one to open the form builder.

Check out our Square Fee Calculator Form Template if you’d like to get started with a customizable template.

You can use a form template or start from scratch and customize your form however you’d like. However, make sure to add a Square field from the Payment Fields section of the form builder. You can click on it or drag and drop it into the preview area to do so.

Adding a Square credit card field to a form

This will add the credit card fields necessary to process payments through Square. Once you’re happy with your form’s fields, click on the Payments tab and select Square.

Accessing the Square Payments settings for a form

Then toggle on the Enable Square Payments setting.

Enabling Square payments for a form

This will reveal some additional options for you to configure. First, enter a Payment Description, which will appear on users’ credit card statements to help them identify transactions made through this form.

Adding a payment description for a Square integration

Next, you can map a few fields from your form to your Square account if you would like to. Using the dropdowns, select your form’s Email, Name, and Address fields.

Mapping fields from a form to user information in Square

Note: This data will be saved, but will not be visible in the Square Dashboard. You can send the email address to Square using this workaround from our developer documentation.

Finally, make sure to save your form before exiting the builder.

Saving a form

We also recommend testing your form and your Square connection before you publish it.

Enabling Conditional Logic (Optional)

The next option we’ll cover in this tutorial is enabling conditional logic for Square payments. There are many ways you can use conditional logic with the Square addon, including:

  • Processing the payment only if certain conditions are met
  • Showing or hiding the payment fields based on users’ selections or input
  • Sending email notifications for completed payments

Below, we’ve covered a couple of examples.

Setting Up Conditional Logic for Payments

For this example, we’ll create a form that includes an option to make a donation. We’ll use conditional logic to process the payment depending on users’ selections.

First, we’ll create our form and customize its field options. For our example, we’ve built a feedback form. At the end there is a Multiple Choice field labeled, “Would you like to make a donation to support future Science Camps?” with the choices, “Yes, I’ll donate,” and “No, not today.”

Setting up a Multiple Choice field to use with Square conditional logic

Note: Want to learn more about using Multiple Choice fields in your forms? See our tutorial on customizing the Multiple Choice field for all the details.

We’ve also added a Single Item field where donors can enter the amount they wish to give, a Total field where they can see the amount they’ll be charged, and a Square field where they can enter their payment details.

Setting up payment fields to use with Square conditional logic

Note: Want to make sure users don’t accidentally submit a payment of $0? Check out our guide to requiring a payment total.

Once your form has all the fields you need, go to Payments » Square and toggle on the Enable Conditional Logic option at the bottom of the settings.

Enabling conditional logic for Square payments in a form

This will reveal a set of dropdowns you can use to create your conditional logic rule. For our example, we’ll make selections so the rule reads, Process this payment if Would you like to make a donation to support future Science Camps is Yes, I’ll donate.

Creating a conditional logic rule for Square payments

Note: Need more help setting up your conditional logic rule? Our beginner’s tutorial on conditional logic includes step-by-step instructions.

In this case, users will only be charged if they choose to make a donation using the Multiple Choice field.

Don’t forget to always save your form before leaving the builder.

Setting Up Conditional Payment Notification Emails

Typically, form notification emails are sent when a user submits the form. However, if you have a payment integration enabled, you can prevent a notification email from sending until the payment has been successfully processed.

To do so, go to Settings » Notifications in the form builder. Then find the notification you would like to send for completed payments and toggle on the option labeled, Enable for Square completed payments.

Enabling an email notification for completed Square payments only

Note: Need more guidance to set up your form notification emails? Our tutorials on configuring notifications settings and creating conditional notifications can help.

You can enable this setting for as many notification emails as you like. Remember to save your changes before you leave the form builder.

Viewing and Managing Payments

Once you’ve received some payments through your forms, you’ll be able to view and manage them right from your site’s admin area.

To do this, go to WPForms » Payments and select the Overview tab to access the Payments page.

Payments Summary

On the Payments overview page, you can view transaction details, track your sales, view revenue trends, measure the success of your payment forms, and much more.

Be sure to check out our guide to viewing and managing form payments for more information.

Note: If you’d like, you can create coupon codes and give users a discount when filling out your payment form. To learn more, check out our Coupons addon tutorial.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the top questions about the Square addon.

Will I be charged for using Square in my forms?

WPForms does not charge you to use Square in your forms. However, Square’s seller fees do apply to transactions made through your forms.

To see Square’s current seller fees for remote online transactions, check out its Pricing page.

Does WPForms have a partnership with Square?

Yes, we do! By partnering with directly Square, we can make sure your payments are processed reliably and securely, according to the platform’s best practices.

Does WPForms store users’ payment information?

No, we do not store your users’ payment information.

Instead, payment details are sent straight to Square to protect both you and your users from the risks that come with storing credit card details on your site.

That’s it! Now you can integrate your WordPress forms with Square to accept credit card payments.

Next, would you like to learn how to let users choose their payment method? Check out our tutorial on how to do so with conditional logic and our other payment integrations, PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.Net.

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