Using WPForms on

Are you looking to use the WPForms plugin on your site? With’s Creator plan, you can install and use plugins on your site. However, it’s important to note that some options will appear differently than they would in a setup.

This tutorial will discuss everything you need to know to successfully use WPForms with your Creator plan.

Note: You’ll need to be on the Creator’s account plan to be able to install WPForms on your site.

Why Does Handle Plugins Differently From wasn’t originally intended to handle plugins in the same way that installations are. You won’t be able to install plugins on your site unless you upgrade to the Creator account level.

This means that while you can still absolutely install and use WPForms with a Creator account, plugins will be managed differently.

Note: If you’d like to check out a more in-depth discussion of vs., please see WPBeginner’s comparison article.

Installing WPForms on Your Site

To install the WPForms plugin, you’ll first need to log in to your WPForms account. Then open the Downloads tab and click the Download WPForms button to download the plugin’s .zip file.

Downloading WPForms

Once the download is complete, you’ll have a zipped folder named that you’ll need to upload to your site.

Return to your WordPress site and navigate to Plugins » Add New in the left menu.

Accessing the upload plugin tool

Then, in the upper-left corner of the next screen, click the Upload button. upload button

To upload the plugin, click on Drop files or click here to install and select the file. Optionally, you can drag and drop the .zip file into the same area:

click or drag to upload

Note: You’ll need to keep the plugin files zipped in order to install them on your site. If the files are unzipped, you’ll need to compress them before you can install the plugin.

Once the WPForms .zip file has been uploaded, WordPress will automatically install and activate the plugin for you.

Plugin install progress on

WordPress will let you know when the installation has been completed successfully.

WPForms just installed.

Upgrading From WPForms Lite

If you’ve already installed WPForms Lite on your site, you can upgrade to a paid license from your admin dashboard.

Navigate to WPForms » Settings. Under the License section, click the link to upgrade to pro.

Upgrading from WPForms Lite

This will take you to our upgrade page, where you can learn more about the additional features available in the paid version of our plugin. To proceed, click the Upgrade Now button.

The Upgrade Now button

You’ll be redirected to our pricing page, where you can select the plan that’s best for you. Click on the GET STARTED button for the plan you’d like to purchase.

The WPForms Pricing page

We’ll automatically apply a 50% discount for upgrading. Complete the checkout process, then you’ll be redirected to your account page. Here, you can copy your license key.

Then return to your WPForms settings in your admin dashboard. You’ll see a notice here with links to our contact form and documentation. Click on the OK button to dismiss it.

The WPForms upgrade notice

Next, enter your new license key in the License Key field and click the Connect button.

Adding your WPForms license key to your settings

On the next screen, click the Connect and Install WPForms Pro button.

The Connect and Install WPForms Pro button

The paid version of WPForms will be installed on your site. You’ll see a success message when the process is complete. Click on the OK button to finish activating the plugin.

The WPForms upgrade success message

You can then install addons, build new forms, and more.

Checking for WPForms Updates

While some plugins, such as those installed through the Plugin Directory, may automatically update for you, typically prevents premium plugins from running auto-updates.

Therefore, we recommend checking for WPForms updates regularly, about once a month. If there is an update available, you can manually install it from your admin dashboard.

Note: Keeping WPForms up to date is important for security reasons. See our article on why you should always use the latest version of our plugin for more details.

To see if an update is available for WPForms, open Plugins » Installed Plugins.

Checking the Plugins screen for WPForms updates

Here, scroll down to find the WPForms plugin. If an update is available, you’ll see a yellow alert prompting you to install the latest version of the plugin.

Updating WPForms

Note: There currently isn’t a way to view available updates from the main dashboard. Please be sure to check the plugin area regularly (about once a month) to see if any updates are ready for you to run.

That’s it! You should now be able to set up and use WPForms with a Pro plan.

Next, would you like to learn how to set up automatic notification emails for your forms? Check out our tutorial on email notifications for all the details.