Error: Stripe Payment Stopped, Invalid/Empty Amount


The ‘Stripe payment stopped, invalid/empty amount’ error occurs when attempting to process a payment through Stripe. This indicates that the form did not send a valid payment amount to Stripe, typically because the payment amount is set to zero or the form lacks proper payment fields.


This error typically occurs when:

  • The form doesn’t include any payment fields
  • Payment item options are set with $0.00 as the payment amount
  • Conditional logic is causing payment field(s) to be hidden before submission
  • The selected field type is not appropriate for collecting payment information


  • Check for payment fields: Open the form builder and look for fields that collect payment information. Ensure that at least one payment field is present and required. Payment fields can be Single Item, Multiple Items, Checkbox Items, or Dropdown Items that have price options.
  • Review payment amounts: Check that payment item options are not set to $0.00.
  • Examine conditional logic: Click on the payment field in the form builder and review the conditional logic involved. Ensure that conditional logic isn’t inadvertently hiding payment fields. Refer to our conditional logic guide for more information on setting up and troubleshooting conditional logic in your forms.

That’s it! Now you know how to troubleshoot and fix the ‘Stripe payment stopped, invalid/empty amount’ error.

Want to learn more about setting up Stripe payments in your forms? Be sure to check out our complete guide on setting up the Stripe Pro addon.

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