Setting Dynamic Field Choices

Do you want to dynamically populate fields with your site content? Dynamic field options will automatically pull all post titles, categories, or similar details from your site, saving you the time and effort of creating and updating these options.

This tutorial will show you how to create dynamic field choices in WPForms.

Adding a Dropdown, Multiple Choice, or Checkboxes Field

To begin, you’ll need to edit an existing form, or create a new form. For this example, we’ll use the Request A Quote form template.

Request A Quote Form

To create a dynamic field, you’ll need to add any of the following field types: Dropdown, Multiple Choice, or Checkboxes. In our example, we’ll add the Dropdown field to our form.

Dropdown field

To configure the settings for the Dropdown field, click on it to open up the Field Options panel.

Dropdown field

Then, we’ll begin by changing the Label to Products.

Dropdown field label

Setting Dynamic Field Choices

Next, go to the Advanced tab. Here, you’ll see the Dynamic Choices dropdown, where you’ll have two choices:

  • Post Type: The different content types on your WordPress site, such as Posts and Pages.
  • Taxonomy: The groups or labels used in classifying posts and custom post types, such as Categories and Tags.

In our example, we’ll select the Post Type option.

Dynamic choices post type

When the Post Type option is selected, you’ll see the Dynamic Post Type Source dropdown field, which will include all the post types available on your site. In our example, we’ll select Products.

Note: In this example, we’re using a custom post type. For more details, be sure to check out WPBeginner’s tutorial on creating custom post types.

Dynamic post type source

Now, when a user views the form, the titles of all published Products posts will be listed as options in this Dropdown field.

Dynamic dropdown frontend

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, we’ve answered some top questions about using dynamic choices for multiple options fields.

Is there a hook/filter to modify the default query used to populate dynamic choice fields?

Yes. The wpforms_dynamic_choice_post_type_args filter is used to populate the Dynamic Choices for post types and taxonomies. You can customize the default query to exclude or include post types from a specific category.

To learn about all the available customization options, see our tutorial on customizing dynamic choices.

Can I use entries from a different form as dynamic choice options?

At this time, WPForms doesn’t support using entries from a different form to populate Dynamic Choices.

That’s it! You can now create a form with dynamic fields auto-populated with the titles of existing posts, pages, or taxonomies within your website.

Next, do you want to manage submitted form entries? Then be sure to check out our detailed guide on form entries.