Configuring Optimization Settings for WPForms in WP Fastest Cache

Are you encountering issues with WPForms due to WP Fastest Cache’s optimization settings? WP Fastest Cache offers powerful caching and optimization features, but these can sometimes interfere with WPForms functionality.

This guide will show you how to adjust WP Fastest Cache settings to ensure WPForms runs smoothly.

Adjusting WP Fastest Cache Settings

WP Fastest Cache offers caching and optimization features, which can both cause potential issues when used with WPForms.

If this plugin is active on your site, and you’ve identified a JavaScript issue, please try the following steps:

Excluding WPForms Assets

To exclude WPForms assets from WP Fastest Cache, go to WP Fastest Cache, and click the Exclude tab.

WP Fastest Cache exclude tab

Then, scroll to the Exclude JS section, and click the Add New Rule button.

Exclude JS add new button

An Exclude Page Wizard overlay will now be displayed. Within the input field, add the following script, then click the SAVE button:


Exclude assets WP Fastest Cache

If the JavaScript issue still persists, please proceed with the following steps.

Disabling JavaScript Optimization

To disable JavaScript optimization, navigate to WP Fastest Cache and click on the Settings tab.

WP Fastest Cache settings tab

Next, make sure the Minify JS and Combine JS options aren’t enabled. If they are enabled, uncheck the boxes next to each option to disable them.

Disable JS optimization WP Fastest Cache

Once, you’ve disabled these options, click the Submit button located at the bottom of the page.

Click submit button WP Fastest Cache

That’s it! Now you know how to adjust WP Fastest Cache settings to prevent conflicts with WPForms.

Next, would you like to learn more about troubleshooting JavaScript errors in WPForms? Be sure to check out our troubleshooting JavaScript errors guide for more details.

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