How to Populate a Form Field from an Anchor Link

Do you want to fill a form field with text from a link on your webpage? A special kind of link, called an anchor link, can help with that. These links can take you to different sections of a page.

In our tutorial, we’ll have anchor links on our page, and we want them to fill a field in our form. We’ll guide you through setting up the form, creating the anchor links, and using JavaScript to capture the text from the link.

Creating the form

First, let’s create our form. It’s a simple one with fields for Name, Email Address, Subject (Single Line Text), and Message (Paragraph Text).

If you need guidance on making your form, check out this documentation.

start by creating a new form and adding your fields.

Next, note down the ID numbers of your form and fields. You’ll need them for the code snippet. If you’re not sure how to find these IDs, refer to this tutorial.

you will need to record the form and field ID since we will need these in the next step

Setting up the form notifications

In this step, we’ll make our Subject field automatically populate the Subject field in the Notifications tab of the form builder.

Simply go to the Notifications tab, and in the Subject field, type the text you want along with the field ID, just like you use Smart Tags elsewhere in the form builder.

For more details on using field IDs this way, check out this documentation.

In our example, our field ID is 3, so our Subject line will be: “I’m interested in {field_id=”3″} cleaning for my company”.

the field ID Smart Tag will now also populate the subject line of the email notifications

Next, let’s create a new page on our site with anchor links and the form we just made.

If you need help understanding anchor links or creating them, check out this tutorial from WPBeginner.

To create anchor links, simply type up your page content and use Headings in WordPress. In the Block Editor, select a Heading, go to the Advanced tab, and add the text you want to use for the anchor link. WordPress recommends keeping it short, with no spaces, or using hyphens for multiple words. For example, “about-us” for an About Us section.

For our tutorial, we’ll have sections for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly.

create the anchor link inside WordPress by adding this to the heading, next we'll create the link.

For each heading, we’ll insert a one-word anchor link. For example, the Daily section will have the anchor link daily.

Once we’ve added the anchor links, we’ll select text in the content that will jump to each section when clicked and populate our form’s Subject field.

To link text to the anchor links, we’ll add a link as usual in WordPress. Select the text, click the chain icon, and instead of a full URL, add a pound sign and then the anchor link word. For example, #daily.

select your text to add your internal link to the anchor link on the same page

WordPress will automatically assign each link a unique data-id based on the link name. So #daily will have a data-id of #daily.

We’ll do the same for the #weekly, #monthly, and #quarterly sections of our page.

Now it’s time to add the snippet that will pull this all together. If you need any help in adding snippets to your site, please see this tutorial.

 * Populate field from anchor link.
 * @link

function wpf_dev_autofill_field() {
<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery( 'a[data-id="#daily"]' ).click(function(){
            document.getElementById( 'wpforms-378-field_3' ).value = "daily cleaning";
        jQuery( 'a[data-id="#weekly"]' ).click(function(){
            document.getElementById( 'wpforms-378-field_3' ).value = "weekly cleaning";
        jQuery( 'a[data-id="#monthly"]' ).click(function(){
            document.getElementById( 'wpforms-378-field_3' ).value = "monthly cleaning";
        jQuery( 'a[data-id="#quarterly"]' ).click(function(){
            document.getElementById( 'wpforms-378-field_3' ).value = "quarterly cleaning";

add_action( 'wpforms_wp_footer_end', 'wpf_dev_autofill_field', 10 );

You’ll need to update the snippet to match the same name of the internal links as well as the form ID (378) and the field ID (-field_3).

now you can easily populate field from anchor link

And that’s it! Did you know you can do something very similar just inside the form itself? Take a look at our tutorial on How to Add a Table of Contents for Long Forms.

Reference Action



Q: Can I also use a CSS classname or ID?

A: Absolutely! If you would rather trigger the JavaScript by a CSS class or ID, you would just change the script. For example, if your CSS class names were daily-link, weekly-link, monthly-link, and quarterly-link, the snippet would be this.

 * Populate field from anchor link.
 * @link

function wpf_dev_autofill_field() {
<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery( 'a.daily-link' ).click(function(){
            document.getElementById( 'wpforms-378-field_3' ).value = "daily cleaning";
        jQuery( 'a.weekly-link' ).click(function(){
            document.getElementById( 'wpforms-378-field_3' ).value = "weekly cleaning";
        jQuery( 'a.monthly-link' ).click(function(){
            document.getElementById( 'wpforms-378-field_3' ).value = "monthly cleaning";
        jQuery( 'a.quarterly-link' ).click(function(){
            document.getElementById( 'wpforms-378-field_3' ).value = "quarterly cleaning";

add_action( 'wpforms_wp_footer_end', 'wpf_dev_autofill_field', 10 );

If you were using an ID instead of a class, just replace the period with a pound sign in each of the links. Example: a#daily-link.