How to Make the Form Locker Password Non-Case Sensitive


Would you like to make the password used for the Form Locker addon non-case sensitive? In many cases, you may just want to keep the password required for these forms simple. Using a small code snippet you can easily simplify these passwords and in this tutorial, we’ll walk you through every step!

Creating the form

To begin, we’re going to create a form with our fields and make sure you’ve enabled the password verification inside the Settings of the form.

We’ve used the lowercase text of iamtheone as our password.

begin by creating your form locker form and enabling the password verification before adding the non-case sensitive snippet for the password

If you need any assistance in creating a Form Locker form, please check out this documentation.

Adding the snippet

Now it’s time to add the snippet to your site. If you need any help on how and where to add snippets to your site, please review this tutorial.

 * Ignore case sensitive text in password for the Form Locker forms
 * @link

function wpf_form_locker_password( ) {
<script type="text/javascript">
		$( '.wpforms-password-locked form' ).on( 'wpformsBeforeFormSubmit', function(){
			var $password = $( 'input[name="wpforms[form_locker_password]"]' );
			// Change input value to lowercase before submission
			$password.val( $password.val().toLowerCase() );
add_action( 'wpforms_wp_footer_end', 'wpf_form_locker_password', 30 );

This snippet will look for any form that has been enabled for the Form Locker addon using the Password field for verification.

if your password is all lower case but the user has their caps lock on, the password would still be accepted

And that’s all you need to allow for a non-case sensitive password field on your Form Locker forms! Would you also like to display a number of remaining entries with Form Locker forms? Check out our tutorial on How to Display Remaining Entry Limit Number.

Action Reference: wpforms_wp_footer_end