
The wpforms_frontend_enqueue_css_layout_field_viewport_breakpoint allows changing the breakpoints when using a multi-column layout on the Layout and Repeater field.


(int) Viewport width in pixels.
(array) Processed form settings/data, prepared to be used later.



More Information

This filter is applied to all forms and lets you set the breakpoint for the Layout and Repeater fields that use a multi-column layout.

The default breakpoint for the Layout and Repeater fields with a multi-column layout is 600 pixels. However, with this filter, you’ll be able to customize the breakpoint to suit your specific needs.


In the example below, the filter will apply a breakpoint value of 768 to all forms on your site that use a multi-column layout in the Layout or Repeater field. This means that on screens lower than 768 pixels, multi-column layouts will adopt a single column. You can adjust the value in the code snippet below to any screen size you’d like to target.

 * Filter the breakpoint (as viewport width in pixels) for the layout and repeater fields.
 * @link
 * @param int   $viewport_breakpoint The viewport width in pixels.
 * @param array $form_data   Form data.

add_filter( 'wpforms_frontend_enqueue_css_layout_field_viewport_breakpoint', static function() {
    return 768;
 } );