
The wpforms_form_pages_content_before action fires before a form is displayed on the site’s frontend, and the form was created with the Form Pages addon.


This action does not accept any parameters.

More Information

The wpforms_form_pages_content_before only fires for forms created with the Form Pages addon. It executes early on in the output rendering process.

An alternate action to consider is wpforms_form_pages_content_after, as it functions similarly.




In this example, we’re going to post a link to our full digital catalog prior to displaying the form.

 * Output something before your Form Pages form(s) using the Fires before a form is displayed on the site’s frontend, only if the form exists, contains fields, and was created with the <strong>Form Pages</strong> addon.
 * @link
function wpf_dev_form_pages_content_before( ) {
    // Run code or see example echo statement below.
    _e( 'If you would like to download our digital catalog, <a href="" target="_blank">click here</a>.', 'plugin-domain' );
add_action( 'wpforms_form_pages_content_before', 'wpf_dev_form_pages_content_before');
using the wpforms_form_pages_content_before action, you can output something before the form is displayed