
The wpforms_coupons_generator_generate_code_args filters default settings when using the Generate Code button with the Coupons addon.


(array) (Required) Array of default settings.



More Information

The filter is applied to an array of default settings that the Generate Code button uses when automatically generating a coupon code. Using this filter, you can establish a set of defaults that this functionality can use.


 * Allow modifying coupon code generator.
 * @link
 * @param array $default     {
 *                           Array of default settings.
 * @type string $prefix      Text before the generated coupon code. Default empty string.
 * @type string $suffix      Text after the generated coupon code. Default empty string.
 * @type string $characters  Characters which will be used to generate coupon code. Default 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789'.
 * @type string $code_length Generated string lengths.
 *                           }
 * @return array

function  wpf_coupons_generator_generate_code_args ( $default ) {
	// Set your defaults below
	// Default prefix for the coupon
	$default[ 'prefix' ]      = 'WPFORMS-';
	// Default suffix for the coupon
	$default[ 'suffix' ]      = '-COUPON';
	// Default allowed characters for the coupon
	$default[ 'characters' ]  = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789';
	// Default length for the coupon
	$default[ 'code_length' ] = 20;

	return $default;

add_filter( 'wpforms_coupons_generator_generate_code_args', 'wpf_coupons_generator_generate_code_args', 10, 1 );

Article Reference: How to Create a Default Prefix for Your Coupons