
OptinMonster Review: Does It Really Grow Your Business?

Are you looking for an OptinMonster review cause you’ve heard it will help you increase pageviews, boost conversions, and drive more sales from your website?

With so much digital noise out there, it can be hard to get people to engage with your brand. That’s why you need all the help you can get so you can:

  • Capture your audience’s attention
  • Show them personalized promotional content
  • Give them endless reasons to come back for more.

And while there are tons of lead generation tools out there to grow your email list and make more sales, we believe that OptinMonster is hands down your best bet.

So, today, we’re going to give you an in-depth review of OptinMonster and why it’s the best tool to grow your online business.

But first, let’s get clear on what OptinMonster does.

What Is OptinMonster?

optinmonster homepage for review-min

OptinMonster is hands down the #1 lead generation tool in the world. This tool lets you quickly and easily increase page views, boost conversions, and generate more revenue for your business.

It does so by empowering users to build “optin campaigns.” Optin campaigns are things like popups, floating bars, fullscreen welcome mats, and other types of campaigns that encourage users to take a specific action.

With zero coding skills, anyone can use OptinMonster to create stunning campaigns in minutes. They can then target these campaigns to make sure they’re seen by the right people at just the right time in their customer journey.

The level of customization that OptinMonster offers in both design and targeting rules leads to more overall conversions and sales for your online business.

Want to see it in action for yourself? Sign up today for your risk-free OptinMonster account.

OptinMonster: What Makes It the Best?

Since this is such an in-depth review of OptinMonster, feel free to use the following table of contents to navigate through to the section that you’re most interested in.

1. Improve Overall Sales

We’ll kick off the list with one of the most important questions regarding OptinMonster: Will it bring more sales to your business?

Whether you run an eCommerce store or you’re trying to monetize an online blog, the answer is the same.

Yes, OptinMonster will absolutely help you drive more sales.

That’s because OptinMonster gives you so many ways to connect with and engage your audience. With their advanced targeting rules, you can show the right promotions to the right customers so they can buy more of the products they love.

This can include getting people personalized product recommendations, letting them know about free shipping, giving out promotional coupons, and much more. Here’s an example of a cross-selling campaign that could be used to boost sales:

optinmonster review demo for cross selling (1)

You’ll notice this campaign is targeted to users who’ve already purchased or added a pair of jeans to their shopping cart.

We’ll be discussing the different features that lead to higher sales later in this review. For now, though, check out some of these success stories other customers have had with OptinMonster:

These are just a few of the examples of real people who saw massive growth with OptinMonster. You can have similar results by starting your risk-free OptinMonster account today.

2. Increase Site Conversions

In some cases, you may not be directly focused on getting more sales. Instead, you may have other goals you want to consider, such as having your traffic:

  • Sign up for a newsletter
  • Register for your webinar
  • Read a related blog post
  • Fill out a survey
  • Provide a testimonial

Or any other call to action that would help grow your business.

In the same way that OptinMonster can generate more sales, it’s also the perfect tool for getting users to engage with your brand.

Here’s an example of a campaign that the fitness company Crossrope used to generate more leads:


When users clicked Take the Challenge, they would enter their email address to join. With this tactic, Crossrope increased their contact list by over 900% month over month.

It’s super easy to build any type of form you want with WPForms and then add it to an OptinMonster popup for newsletter signups, registrations, and more. Check out our full tutorial on creating a popup form for step-by-step instructions.

3. Get More Pageviews

With so many ways to make money online, you may not be running a business in the traditional sense. In other words, you may not have a product or service that you’re selling.

Instead, you may have an online blog that you monetize with ads or affiliate partnerships. If that’s the case, it’s important to get as many eyes in front of your high converting content as possible.

OptinMonster is the best tool for online publishers and affiliate marketers to increase pageviews on their site.

Not only will this help you drive more income through selling ad space or with affiliate marketing, but it will also boost your SEO.

That’s because the longer you can keep people from bouncing off your site, the more signals you’ll send to Google to show that you’ve got the content people are looking for.

Here’s an example of the type of campaign that gets users addicted to your content:


With OptinMonster, you’ll be able to get more pageviews for your content. That leads to more passive income and stronger SEO for your site.

4. Choose from More Campaign Types

So far, we’ve talked about some of the results you can expect from using OptinMonster. That includes more:

  • Sales
  • Conversions
  • Pageviews

But we haven’t looked at how OptinMonster accomplishes this. One way is by providing more campaign types than any other competing software on the market.

With OptinMonster, you can do so much more than create generic popups for your site. You can make tons of other optin campaigns, such as:

  • Floating bars
  • Fullscreen welcome mats
  • Slide-in scroll boxes
  • Content lockers
  • Inline campaigns
  • Sidebar widgets
  • And much more

optinmonster campaign types for review-min

This is super important because it gives you more ways to target your audience. It also helps you prevent something known as “popup fatigue.”

Popup fatigue is something that occurs when websites use one style of optin campaign (such as a popup) over and over again.

Eventually, they train users to close these campaigns without reading the offers.

But when you have multiple campaign types to choose from, you can keep things fresh for your site’s traffic. For some offers, you can show a popup campaign. For others, you can show a floating bar or slide-in scroll box.

Plus, you can add animation and sound effects to most campaign types to really grab your audience’s attention.

The point is that OptinMonster provides you with more ways to reach your audience and keep them interested in your promotional offers and lead magnets.

5. Build Faster With Templates

One question we often get is, “Is OptinMonster really user-friendly and intuitive?”

Many people are interested in using a lead generation tool like OptinMonster to grow their business. But they worry that they won’t have the design skills to make their campaigns look professional.

Fortunately, that’s not a problem at all.

That’s because OptinMonster offers users over 50 pre-built templates that you can choose from to get started:


Many of these templates require minimal customization to be the perfect fit for your website.

Plus, you can filter out the kind of template you want based on your goal or even the device that your audience will most likely be using:


That said, all of OptinMonster’s campaigns can be modified to accomplish your marketing goals and look great across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

These templates save you hours of frustration and headaches as you build stunning campaigns for your site.

6. Personalize Your Campaign’s Design

In the last section, we briefly discussed how OptinMonster’s templates give you a head start in the design process. But now, you may be wondering how difficult the templates are to modify.

Even if you have zero design skills or don’t consider yourself “tech-savvy,” you can still customize all of OptinMonster’s campaigns in a matter of minutes.

That’s because they have an easy to use drag and drop editor that makes things incredibly user-friendly.

First, you can edit the text directly in their campaign builder with the inline text editor. This allows you to quickly change the:

  • Text
  • Font family
  • Font weight
  • Line height
  • Alignment
  • And much more.


From there, you can click on any aspect of your campaign to pull up the editing tools on the left-hand side:

lefthand side editing menu-min

Finally, you can drag and drop new features (called “blocks”) into place. These features include things like:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Buttons
  • Chatbots
  • Countdown timers
  • And more

drag and drop new blocks into the optinmonster builder-min

At the end of the day, anyone can use the OptinMonster campaign builder to create stunning, professional campaigns to grow their business.

7. Target Your Ideal Audience

A lot of online business owners or digital marketers think that people hate popups. But what people actually hate are generic popups with offers that aren’t relevant to them.

In other words, popups can be one of your website’s best tools for growth when you take the extra few minutes to personalize them for your customers.

And for that, you need to have as many targeting rules at your disposal as possible.

OptinMonster offers more targeting rules than any other competitor on the market. These rules are broken down into two categories:

  • Targeting rules
  • Triggers

Targeting rules allow you to show a campaign to users based on their demographic information. This could be where users are physically located, what device they’re using, what content they’re interested in (or looking at), and much more.

targeting rules

Triggers, on the other hand, let you display campaigns based on a user’s behavior. This would be like how long they rest on your website, how far they scroll down the page, or when people are actively leaving your site.

optinmonster trigger rules-minThat last trigger uses OptinMonster’s Exit-Intent® Technology, and it’s remarkably powerful. In fact, a simple exit-intent popup is how the website Bonjour Lisbonne doubled their email signups.

Check out these exit intent popup examples in WordPress.

From there, OptinMonster also offers a host of advanced targeting rules and triggers. These include using custom HTML elements, Javascript, and cookie retargeting to give you 100% control over when, where, and to whom your campaigns appear.

This level of targeting allows you to show offers to the right people, which ultimately brings you higher conversion rates.

8. Improve User Experience (UX)

As you show your traffic more personalized offers, promotions, and targeted messaging, you’ll find that customers are more likely to revisit your store.

That’s because as user experience (UX) increases on your site, you can expect a lot more customer loyalty, better customer reviews, and an improved word-of-mouth marketing ROI.

In other words, when people feel like a valued customer rather than another metric on your monthly spreadsheets, they’ll be more vocal about how much they love your brand.

If the choice is between your site with personalized messaging and targeted offers or a competitor’s site with generic promotions, who would your audience likely choose?

Odds are that you’ll beat the competition every single time.

9. Optimize With A/B Testing

No OptinMonster review would be complete without covering their A/B testing options.

No optin campaign is ever truly complete. Once your campaign goes live, you’ll want to make sure you’re not leaving any conversions on the table.

And the best way to do that is with A/B testing.

OptinMonster makes it easy to A/B test any of your campaigns. Simply click the Create Split Test icon from your OptinMonster dashboard:

ab testing

This will make a copy of your campaign so you can make a minor tweak and test it against the original. Half of your traffic will see Campaign A, and the other half will see Campaign B.

Then you’ll have clear data as to which campaign is performing the best.

Over time, you can continuously optimize your campaigns to get the most leads in the shortest time possible.

This is the same tactic that the digital marketing company Logic Inbound used to increase conversions by 1500%.

And again, OptinMonster’s data is displayed so clearly that you don’t need to be a professional statistician to run effective A/B tests that optimize results.

10. Resolve Questions Quickly

Supporting customers is at the heart of OptinMonster’s mission to help small businesses achieve massive growth. That’s what makes OptinMonster’s support team so impressive.

With OptinMonster, you’ll never feel “stuck” as you’re looking for answers to your questions. They have a ton of channels to resolve any issues, including:

  • Live chat support
  • Email ticket submissions
  • In-depth documentation
  • Blog
  • YouTube channel
  • Social media platforms

And when you do get in touch with OptinMonster’s support team, you can expect nothing less than stellar service.

Just check out this review from the popular review site G2:

customer review for optinmonster on g2-min

Or this one from Capterra:

review for optinmonster from capterra-min

These are only a few examples of why OptinMonster’s support team has such an excellent reputation.

The point is that when you work with OptinMonster, you’ll never feel like you need to “go it alone.”

11. Install in Minutes

Earlier in this review, we discussed how easy OptinMonster is to use. But if you’re not a coder or developer, you may have concerns about how hard OptinMonster is to install.

The good news is that you have nothing to worry about! If you can copy and paste, then you can get started with OptinMonster in a matter of minutes.

That’s because OptinMonster can be installed on any website by copying and pasting a small piece of code in your site’s header:

embed code for optinmonster-min

And if you hooked up Google Analytics when you first built the site, then you know how easy this is to do.

Plus, if you’re using WordPress, then things are even more simple with the OptinMonster plugin. That means OptinMonster can be hooked up and installed on your site in the same way that you’d download and activate any other plugin on your WordPress site.

For more help with this, feel free to check out the following resources:

These documents will get OptinMonster integrated with your website in a matter of minutes.

Next, Increase Form Submissions on Your WordPress Site

And that’s it! We hope that you found this review helpful. If so, you may want to check out the following posts:

Once you’ve set OptinMonster up on your site, these articles can help improve other areas of your sales and marketing strategy.

And don’t forget to please follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get updates from our blog.

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