About Our Team

Introducing our proficient content writer with extensive expertise.

Kacie Cooper Stotler



  • WordPress
  • Content Writing
  • Education
  • Blogging


Kacie is a Content Writer for WPForms and WP Mail SMTP who also enjoys creating templates for the WPForms template gallery. She is a graduate of Pittsburg State University, where she received BAs in English and Psychology and an MA in Literature.

Kacie’s writing career officially began in the classroom, teaching research writing and composition classes to high school and college students. She even taught a semester on WordPress blogging. Kacie has also spent some time freelance writing, with bylines in a couple of major publications. She’s been blogging on WordPress since 2016 and joined WPForms in 2022.

When she isn’t writing, Kacie likes to unplug and enjoy the outdoors by camping, hiking, and biking.

12 Appointment Reminder Templates for Email and SMS

Sending appointment reminders via email or SMS is easier than ever with WPForms and the Twilio addon. You might be confirming an appointment, sending a friendly reminder, or even following up with last-minute details.

Whatever the case may be, these automated messages guarantee smooth communication.

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How to Switch from The Events Calendar to Sugar Calendar

If The Events Calendar feels like it’s holding you back, it’s time to make the switch to Sugar Calendar.

Not only is it lightweight and simple to use, but with great features and WPForms integration, you’ll unlock a whole new level of event management.

Ready to upgrade? I'll show you how to do it in only 5-ish steps.

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How to Automate Form Submission Follow-Up Emails

Do you want to engage leads and customers after they submit a form on your website? A follow-up email is an effective way to do it. Especially when that follow-up email includes a survey or some other feedback loop.

But can you automate this follow-up email process? Absolutely! And what about delaying these follow-up emails by a few days? That's no problem either.

WPForms coupled with Uncanny Automator is your solution for automating this entire process without writing a single line of code.

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How to Randomize Form Fields in WordPress

Are you looking for a way to make your forms smarter and more reliable? Randomizing your fields guarantees that each option has an equal chance of being selected, making it a powerful tool for surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to randomize form fields in WordPress using WPForms easily. With just a few simple steps, you can create dynamic forms that help you gather better insights and improve user engagement.

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How to Custom Style Your WPForms Email Notifications

Do you want to make your email notifications stand out and align with your brand? With WPForms, it’s easy to create and style custom email notifications that look professional and captivate your recipient.

Whether you’re using WPForms Lite or Pro, you can take advantage of email templates to create unique, on-brand email designs. Let’s dive into how you can custom-style your WPForms email notifications!

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