Templates Business Operations Travel Requisition Form Template

Travel Requisition Form Template

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Employee Information

Employee Name

Travel Details

Accommodation Details

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Name


Supervisor's Name

Are you tired of managing travel requests through scattered emails and paper forms? Look no further than WPForms.

Our Travel Requisition Form Template is here to simplify the process and ensure a smooth travel planning experience for both employees and supervisors.

The functionality of the Travel Requisition Form Template

Using this form on your website can save time, reduce administrative hassle, and enhance travel planning and tracking within your organization. It comes with all of the fields you need to ensure all necessary travel details are collected.

  • Employee Information: Employees first fill out their essential details, including their name, email, and department/division. This information helps in tracking and contacting them during the trip.
  • Travel Details: Your form user will then specify the travel destination, start and end dates, purpose of travel, estimated cost, and mode of transportation. This section provides a comprehensive overview of the trip’s logistics.
  • Accommodation Details: The employee indicates the type of lodging they’ll use, estimate its cost, and input the expected number of meals. This data assists in budgeting and making necessary arrangements.
  • Emergency Contact Information: In case of emergencies,  your employee provides their emergency contact’s name, phone number, and email. This ensures quick response and support during unforeseen situations.
  • Approval: Lastly, your employee indicates whether they require travel approval from their supervisor by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ They are also asked to input their supervisor’s name.

Ready to simplify your travel request process? Implement our Travel Requisition Form Template today and experience hassle-free travel planning. Signing up with WPForms grants you access to this form template and many other templates to use on your site.