Templates Business Operations Employment Timesheet Form Template

Timesheet Form Template

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Week begins on Sunday.
Week ends on Saturday.

Weekly Time Sheet

Please check off the boxes for the days you worked and enter the required information.
In submitting this form, I agree that all of the information I've provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsifying records is grounds for immediate termination.

Do you want to allow your employees to submit timesheets with a WordPress plugin? Then WPForms has the timesheet for you!

Our Timesheet Form Template allows employees to log their hours daily and submit the sheet at the end of the week. All from your WordPress website. Then, with the surveys and polls addon, you can also access reporting features to view employees’ work information at a glance.

What Should a Timesheet Include?

A basic timesheet, like the WPForms Timesheet Form Template, should always have fields for employees to provide basic information, such as name, email address, and employee ID number. There should also be a simple way for employees to enter their time in and out for the days they worked.

On the Timesheet Form Template, employees can check the boxes next to the days they worked. Once they do that, dropdown boxes will appear and allow them to select their time in and time out.

When times are pre-defined like this, it’s a good idea to include an “other” field. Maybe an employee has car trouble and starts at 4:35 instead of 4:00. Maybe on a slow night an employee gets to go home at 7:00 instead of 9:00. In the template, selecting “other” for the time gives employees space to add more specific information.

They don’t need to fill the whole sheet out at once. With the save and resume addon, users can save their progress on the sheet and come back to it. They’ll receive an email with a link back to their timesheet so they can access it again.

Finally, the surveys and polls addon provides extra insight and features when it comes to reporting.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own Timesheet Form Template. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and thousands of other pre-made templates.