Templates Business Operations Employment Job Interview Scheduling Form Template

Job Interview Scheduling Form Template

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Candidate Information

Full Name

Job Position

Additional Information

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The Job Interview Scheduling Form Template by WPForms is a tool designed to organize interview appointments for potential job candidates efficiently, which in turn helps ease the recruitment process.

How Does the Job Interview Scheduling Form Template Work?

This form template requires the WPForms Basic License, which supports a range of Fancy Fields tailored to gather comprehensive information from applicants and schedule interviews seamlessly. Fields include:

  • Candidate Information:
    • Full Name: Collects the applicant’s complete name to ensure proper identification.
    • Email Address: Used for sending interview confirmations, updates, and more.
    • Phone Number: A direct line to the candidate for any urgent contact or last-minute updates.
  • Job Position:
    • Position Applied For: Allows candidates to specify which job opening they are applying for.
    • Preferred Interview Date: Candidates can choose a date that suits them best.
    • Available Time Slots: Provides a selection of time slots on the preferred date.
  • Additional Information:
    • Cover Letter & CV: This field allows candidates to upload documents and submit their cover letters and CVs.
    • Comments/Questions: An optional area where candidates can leave any remarks or questions.

The Job Interview Scheduling Form Template is an excellent resource for HR departments, recruitment agencies, and any organization looking to optimize their hiring process. Sign up with WPForms and access it today!