Templates Calculator Fitness Bench Press Calculator Form Template

Bench Press Calculator Form Template

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Enter the weight you lifted in pounds.
Select the number of repetitions you completed with this weight.
Calculated one-rep max (1RM) and percentages of the 1RM.

The Bench Press Calculator Form Template by WPForms can help individuals figure out weightlifting calculations, especially for those new to the gym.

How Does the Bench Press Calculator Form Template Work?

The Bench Press Calculator Form Template is available to WPForms Pro license users, since it uses the Calculations Addon to provide users with the data they need to track and plan their strength training routines. Here is a breakdown of the fields in the template:

  • Name: Here users provide their name to kick off the form, which basically helps you to personalize the communication experience.
  • Email:  Capturing the email address of the interested user allows you to add them to your mailing list for future tips and tricks for exercising.
  • Weight: Users can enter the weight they plan to lift, which then helps the Calculations Addon determine bench press goals.
  • Reps: Users can also enter the reps they plan to perform with a dropdown field with options ranging from 1 to 12.
  • Bench Press Max: This auto-calculated field determines the user’s one-rep max (1RM) – the maximum weight they can lift for one repetition.
  • Percentage Breakdown: These multiple percentage fields start from 50% and go up to 95% of the user’s 1RM to understand various training intensities.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Bench Press Calculator Form Template. It is perfect for websites that want to add an interactive tool to help new gym members, personal trainers, and fitness enthusiasts for more effective strength training!