Templates Business Operations Agreement ATA 106 Form Template

ATA 106 Form Template

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Manufacturer's Address
Clear Signature
End User Address

The ATA 106 Form Template is designed to certify the authenticity and traceability of aircraft parts and materials, ensuring compliance with industry standards.

How Does the ATA 106 Form Template Work?

The ATA 106 Form Template is powered by WPForms Pro and uses the Signature Addon to ensure authenticity when verifying compliance with industry standards. Below is a brief description of the fields included in the template.

  • Company Name: The legal name of the company providing the parts or materials.
  • Company Address: The physical location or headquarters of the supplying company.
  • Part Number: The specific identification number assigned to the part or material.
  • Description of Material: A detailed description of the part or material being supplied.
  • Quantity: The number of parts or amount of material being supplied.
  • Serial Number(s): Unique serial numbers for individual parts, if applicable.
  • Certification Date: The date on which the part or material was certified by the manufacturer.
  • Manufacturer’s Name: The name of the company that manufactured the part or material.
  • Manufacturer’s Address: The physical location or headquarters of the manufacturer.
  • Manufacturer’s Certification Statement: A formal statement by the manufacturer certifying the part or material.
  • Manufacturer’s Authorized Signature: Digital signature of an authorized representative from the manufacturing company.
  • Date of Manufacturer’s Certification: The date when the manufacturer signed and certified the form.
  • Remarks/Additional Information: Space for any additional comments or relevant information.
  • Certification of Conformance Number: A unique number indicating the part or material conforms to specified standards.
  • Traceability Information: Details tracing the part’s history back to the manufacturer.
  • Customer Order Number: The order number assigned by the customer.
  • Customer PO Number: The Purchase Order number provided by the customer.
  • End User: The final recipient or user of the part or material.
  • End User Email: Contact email of the end user.
  • End User Address: Physical address of the end user.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the ATA 106 Form Template. This template ensures transparency and compliance within the aviation industry, fostering trust and reliability in aviation part and material transactions.