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How Easy Was It to Find Information on Our Site?
How Likely Are You to Use Our Site Again?

Use our website feedback form template to gather customer feedback while they used your website. By doing so, you can gather vital comments to continue to better your website experience for future users.

This feedback form template is easy to use and highly customizable, meaning you can add or remove questions as you please. We’ve started you off with general overview questions but feel free to add anything that fits your needs!

Check out the feedback form template below:

Creating a Feedback Form

We created this feedback form template to get you started with the basics. But, it’s a good idea to plan out what kind of questions you want to ask your customers to improve your business. Customize our feedback form template to get the information relevant to you!

However, the fewer form fields you have, the higher your form conversions will be. Why? Because people like short, easy to fill out forms. So, be sure to choose only a few important questions to ask at a time.

Consider using our refer-a-friend form template to generate more leads from the customers who do give you positive feedback!

Conditional Logic

In this feedback form, we used the Basic license feature conditional logic. For both We’ve done this so the form looks cleaner and tidier, and so you can collect the most relevant information.