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Contact Person's Name
Overall, how would you rate your experience with this vendor?
How satisfied are you with
Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery Satisfied
Quality of Product/Service
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Timeliness of Delivery
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Customer Service/Support
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Compliance with Contract Terms
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied

Efficiently managing vendor relationships is crucial for any organization looking to ensure quality and reliability in their operations. Our Vendor Evaluation Form template simplifies this process, providing a structured way to assess and review your vendors.

Why Should I Use the Vendor Evaluation Form Template?

  • Comprehensive Vendor Information: Start by capturing key details such as Vendor Name, Vendor ID, Contact Person’s Name, Email, and Phone. This ensures you have all the necessary contact information at your fingertips, making follow-ups and communications straightforward.
  • Structured Evaluation Criteria: This form template includes an Evaluation Date field and a section for Product/Service Provided. This helps you document when the evaluation took place and what specific products or services were assessed, creating a clear record of your vendor interactions.
  • Detailed Experience Rating: Here is where form users rate the overall experience with the vendor on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. This straightforward rating system allows you to quickly assess the vendor’s performance and compare it with other vendors.
  • In-Depth Satisfaction Analysis: Using a Likert scale, the form delves into various aspects of the vendor’s performance, including:
    • Quality of Product/Service: Gauge how well the vendor meets your quality expectations.
    • Timeliness of Delivery: Evaluate whether the vendor delivers on time.
    • Customer Service/Support: Assess the level of support and service provided.
    • Pricing/Cost: Determine if the vendor’s pricing is competitive and fair.
    • Compliance with Contract Terms: Review how well the vendor adheres to agreed terms.
    • Reliability: Judge the vendor’s overall reliability and consistency.
  • Actionable Feedback: The Additional Comments or Suggestions section allows users to provide specific feedback or notes about the vendor’s performance. This qualitative data can be invaluable for making informed decisions about future engagements.

WPForms’ Vendor Evaluation Form template is designed to streamline your vendor assessment process, providing you with a clear and organized way to gather and analyze feedback. Start using this form to enhance your vendor management strategy, ensure quality, and make informed decisions that benefit your organization.