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Do you need a supply order form to take orders on your WordPress website? If so, you need the WPForms supply order form template. The form lets customers start their orders for an item, material, or service and keep track of them as they go through the process.

Why Use a Supply Order Form?

If you’re a business-to-business organization, a supply order form is a must-have for your website. It makes it quick and easy for your customers to begin the ordering process and keep track of what’s in progress.

A supply order form is necessary for documenting orders for a business’s records. Having that record of previous orders is also helpful when it comes time to do inventory and make decisions about future purchases.

Using the form template also makes it easier for your customers to keep digital records instead of having paper copies in file cabinets where they aren’t always easily accessible to everyone.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own supply order form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.