Do you regularly utilize fax correspondence? Then you need the Simple Fax Form Template from WPForms. This fax form, also known as a fax cover sheet, is a page sent to the recipient before the fax itself is sent.
What Does the Simple Fax Form Template Include?
Here’s what you’ll find on this form template:
- To and From: The “To” field captures the name of the individual or organization receiving the fax. The “From” field is where the form user enters the name of the sender. This helps the recipient identify who sent the fax, making follow-up communication smoother.
- Fax: The fax number of the recipient is recorded in this field. Accurate entry ensures the fax reaches its intended destination without delay.
- Pages: This field captures the number of pages being sent, providing clarity on the document’s length and helping the recipient verify receipt of all pages.
- Phone: Including the sender’s phone number allows the recipient to quickly contact the sender if there are issues with the fax or if further clarification is needed.
- Date: The date the fax is sent is recorded here. This is crucial for tracking and referencing, especially for time-sensitive documents.
- Total Pages: This field reiterates the total number of pages being sent, ensuring consistency and helping the recipient verify that the entire document has been received.
- Urgency Level: A dropdown menu (1-5) allows the sender to indicate the fax’s urgency. This helps the recipient prioritize their responses, with 1 being low urgency and 5 being critical.
- Subject: This field provides a brief overview of the fax’s content. A clear subject line helps the recipient quickly understand the nature of the fax.
- Message: The message field allows for the form user to type their message with all of the tools included in a text editor. This ensures that all relevant details are communicated effectively.
Ready to build your form? Sign up with WPForms today to access the Simple Fax Form Template and thousands of other templates for your site.