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Personal Information

Full Name

Contact Information

Club Selection

Consent & Agreement

Clear Signature

The School Club Registration Form Template by WPForms is a fantastic tool for school administrators, teachers, and club organizers who want an easy way to manage student registrations for various school clubs.

How Does the School Club Registration Form Template Work?

The School Club Registration Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License and the Signature Addon to gather detailed information about students and their club preferences. Here’s a brief description of the fields included:

  • Student Information:
    • Full Name: Captures the student’s complete name.
    • Grade/Year: Records the student’s current grade or year level.
    • Student ID: The unique identification number assigned to the student.
  • Contact Information:
    • Email Address: Contact email for further communication.
    • Phone Number: Contact number for follow-up and updates.
    • Parent Name: Name of the student’s parent or guardian.
    • Emergency Contact: Phone number to call in case of an emergency.
  • Club Details:
    • Select Club: Choice of the club the student wants to join.
    • Reason for Joining: Brief explanation of why the student is interested in the club.
    • Previous Participation: Indicates if the student has been part of this club before.
    • Preferred Meeting Days: Days the student is available for club meetings.
    • Preferred Meeting Times: Times the student is available for club activities.
  • Consent & Agreement:
    • Consent Checkbox: Confirms that the parent consents to the participation.
    • Signature: Signature field for the parent or guardian to formally sign off.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the School Club Registration Form Template. This template is ideal for schools, teachers, and club coordinators who want to organize student club registrations.