Templates Business Operations Research Consent Form Template

Research Consent Form Template

Use This Template
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Participant's Name
Parent/Guardian Name
How Will My Information Be Used?
The information that you provide about you and your family will be used to [describe the purpose of collecting the information e.g. gain an insight into services and what is important to families].
I have read the information above and have had an opportunity to ask questions about the [research / activity] and how my information will be used. I understand the purpose of the [research /activity] and what my participation involves. I agree to take part in [describe what involvement the individual will have e.g. an interview] and for the information I provide to be shared with the [area] Partnership agencies and this in turn allows services that I use to share information about me and my family for the purpose of this [research / activity]. I understand that I need to inform the other members of my family that I have given consent which will allow them to opt out if they wish. I understand that anonymized [information / research] about me and my family may be published within the [project report / relevant document], which may be published online and that published material from this [project / report] may be used and distributed for training and service design and development. I know that my participation is voluntary and that I can choose to withdraw from the research at any point.

Use this research consent form to collect permission from individuals to take part in a study. The form’s purpose is to outline the study, detail the rights of a participant, and then a signature to the agreement of the terms.

Use the research consent form template below and fully customize it to fit your research needs:

Can I Make My Own Consent Form?

Yes. If you’re running a research project, making your own form is a great way to get exactly the consent you need.

WPForms makes it easy to adjust the fields, questions, and terms so that your form is completely unique to your own research project.

The information that you need will largely depend on your project, but we recommend that you include information like:

  • The purpose of your research project
  • How personal data will be stored or used
  • How long you’ll need people to be involved in the research

WPForms makes it easy to drag new fields onto your form, remove fields you don’t need, and adjust the notification settings.