Templates Entertainment Movie Script Submission Form Template

Movie Script Submission Form Template

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Submitter's Personal Information

Full Name

Script Details

Add Your Movie Script Below
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Submission Information



WPForms introduces the Movie Script Submission Form Template, an essential tool tailored for the world of cinema and screenwriting.

This user-friendly template streamlines the script submission process, making it seamless for both writers and reviewing entities.

How Does the Movie Script Submission Form Template Work?

For organizations or individuals seeking a structured approach to gathering scripts, our Movie Script Submission Form template is the ultimate solution. It has been meticulously designed, keeping in mind the nuances of the film industry:

  • Submitter’s Personal Information: Commencing with the Submitter’s Personal Information section, it captures the essence of the scriptwriter. This section entails fields for the full name, email, phone number, and a concise biography, painting a vivid picture of the writer’s journey, aspirations, and past accolades.
  • Script Details: Here, one can detail the genre, providing a category for the narrative, be it a riveting thriller or a heartfelt romance. The script title field offers identity, while the logline encapsulates the core of the narrative concisely. Additionally, the template allows for direct script uploads and an option to attach a relevant image.
  • Submission Information: This section goes into the script’s origins and journey. It discerns between original narratives and adaptations, ensuring credit and due diligence to source materials if adapted. Moreover, it seeks information on whether the script has embarked on submission voyages elsewhere.
  • Declaration/Agreement: It houses a checkbox, ensuring writers adhere to the submission guidelines and affirm the script’s originality. To enhance the form’s professional touch, it incorporates a digital signature field enabled by the WPForms Pro license and the Signature Addon, ensuring authenticity and commitment.

By integrating this template, film organizations, festivals, and agencies can simplify their script acceptance process, ensuring they receive well-detailed and authentic submissions. Let the narrative journey begin with WPForms Pro and the Post Submission Addon to unlock stories that captivate, entertain, and resonate.