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Nominator Information

Nominator's Name

Business Information

Business Address
Business Owner's Name (if known)

Nomination Details

Recognizing outstanding local businesses is crucial for fostering a thriving community. Our Local Business Nomination Form template allows you to highlight deserving enterprises efficiently.

Why Should I Use the Local Business Nomination Form Template?

Our form template comes with all of the fields and questions needed to start accepting nominations right away.

First, it gathers the form user’s details in the Nominator Information. The nominator’s name, email, and phone number ensure you can contact the nominator for follow-up if needed.

Next, in the Business Information section, users provide the following:

  • Business Name and Contact Details: Provides essential information about the nominated business.
  • Business Owner’s Name: Personalizes the nomination process.
  • Category: Users select the type of business being nominated, such as a restaurant or service. This helps organize nominations and promote fair comparison.

Then, the form gets to the heart of the matter. In the Nomination Details, form users enter this information:

  • Reason for Nomination: Allows nominators to express why this business deserves recognition.
  • Length of Familiarity: Indicates the nominator’s history with the business.
  • Personal Experience: Confirms if the nominator has firsthand experience with the business.
  • Unique Qualities: Highlights what sets this business apart from competitors.
  • Awards and Recognition: Provides context for the business’s achievements.
  • Permission for Follow-up: Allows for gathering additional information if necessary.
  • Submission Date: Tracks when nominations are received.

Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate the best your community has to offer. Implement this user-friendly Local Business Nomination Form today and watch as your community comes together to recognize excellence in local enterprise.