Templates Business Operations How Did You Hear About Us Survey Template

How Did You Hear About Us Survey Template

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How Did You Hear About Us? (Check all that apply)
Were You Looking For a Company/Product/Service Like Ours When You Found Us?
How Likely Are You to Recommend Us to Others?

Do you need a how did you hear about us survey form template for your website? If you want to find out how your customers heard about you, this template allows you to gather basic information with options for users to provide more specifics.

With our ‘how did you hear about us’ survey template, you get the following fields:

  • Name
  • Email
  • How Did You Hear About Us? (checkboxes)
  • Were You Looking For a Company/Product/Service Like Ours When You Found Us? (radio buttons)
  • How Likely Are You to Recommend Us to Others? (Net Promoter Score)
  • Comment or Message (paragraph text field)

If users only respond to these questions, you’ll still have a good bit of measurable data to determine how well your marketing efforts are working. Using conditional logic, the form is built to give users the option to provide greater detail from the following checkbox answer options:

  • Search Engine
  • Social Media
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Streaming Service Ad
  • Newspaper/Online Newspaper
  • Billboard
  • Referral
  • Other

When any of these options are checked, the respondent will see additional options. For example, if they select “Search Engine,” they can select which ones. If they select “Other,” they’ll get a single line of text field to list their response.

Though the form doesn’t require users to respond to the additional information questions, the hope is that the conditional logic makes it so easy that they do. It’s great to know that customers found you on social media. It’s even better to know which platform they were using. Knowing the right marketing channel to use is important.

Remember that all of our form templates are customizable so you can fill in your own details and information, plus add or remove whatever you need.

How Do You Attract People to Answer Surveys?

Before you can find out how a customer heard about you, you have to get them to take the survey. Getting to that point is more difficult than it sounds. Your survey is competing with everything else that customer has to do right now. How will you get them to stop for a few minutes to respond?

First, make sure your survey is in the right place. Don’t place it on a page that gets buried on your website. Embed the survey on a page with high visibility or include it in an email that follows a purchase or confirms payment.

In addition, keep it short and sweet. Remember that you’re just here to find out how the customer heard about you. Don’t confuse this survey with one about customer experience or satisfaction. Keep your required questions to a minimum.

When the customer looks at the survey, they should be able to tell that it will only take a minute or two of their time. If it looks like it’s going to take longer than that, you risk customers ignoring it and clicking away.