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Freelancer Information


Relevant Work Experience


For businesses looking to hire freelancers, collecting detailed portfolios is a crucial part of the vetting process. The Freelancer Portfolio Submission Form template is designed to gather all necessary information about potential candidates, making it easy for hiring managers to review qualifications and work samples.

Navigating the Freelancer Portfolio Submission Form Template

Here’s how this form streamlines the process of evaluating freelance talent:

  • Comprehensive Freelancer Information: The form starts by collecting key personal details like the freelancer’s name, email address, and phone number, ensuring clear lines of communication. It also asks for the freelancer’s job title, providing immediate context about their professional role—whether they are a graphic designer, writer, developer, or any other specialized professional.
  • Showcasing Skills and Expertise: One of the standout features of this form is the “Link to Online Portfolio” field. Freelancers can easily share their portfolios, allowing hiring managers to browse through their work samples with ease. Additionally, the “Specialization or Skills” section provides a space for freelancers to highlight their expertise, making it easier for businesses to match candidates to specific project needs.
  • Professional Bio for a Personal Touch: The “Professional Bio” section allows freelancers to share a summary of their career journey, achievements, and personal approach to work. 
  • Detailed Work Experience: Freelancers can provide a complete picture of their career history by filling in the “Relevant Work Experience” section. With the ability to list multiple roles and employment dates, this section is particularly useful for showcasing long-term projects or a variety of freelance engagements. The “+Add Work Experience” button guarantees that all relevant positions can be included.
  • Education and Certifications: For roles that require specific educational qualifications, the form includes fields for listing degrees, majors, and schools attended. Freelancers can also include the year they graduated, along with any certifications they’ve earned, further boosting their credibility. The option to “+Add Education” ensures that multiple qualifications can be listed without confusion.

With the Freelancer Portfolio Submission Form template, you can find the best freelance talent to meet your project needs. Get the template from WPForms and streamline your recruitment efforts today.