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Nominator Information

Nominator's Full Name

Nominee Information

Nominee's Full Name
Supervisor's Name (if applicable)

In any thriving organization, recognizing the hard work and achievements of employees is crucial for maintaining morale and productivity.

An Employee Recognition Nomination Form can be an essential tool in this endeavor so that outstanding employees are acknowledged and celebrated.

Why Do I Need the Employee Recognition Nomination Form Template?

These are just a handful of reasons why this form is a valuable addition to any workplace.

  • Formalizing Recognition Processes: By collecting detailed information about the nominator and nominee, it ensures that all nominations are tracked and reviewed consistently. This prevents outstanding contributions from being overlooked and helps maintain a record of who has been recognized and why.
  • Encouraging Peer Recognition: Allowing peers to nominate each other fosters a culture of appreciation and teamwork. When employees recognize their colleagues’ hard work, it promotes a positive work environment and strengthens inter-departmental relationships.
  • Highlighting Specific Achievements: Our form prompts nominators to provide specific details about the nominee’s achievements and how they align with the company’s values. This not only helps in evaluating the nomination but also ensures that the recognition is tied to concrete contributions and behaviors that the company wants to promote.
  • Supporting Company Values: By including a section on how the nominee exemplifies company values, the form reinforces the importance of these values within the organization. It encourages employees to align their actions with the company’s mission and ethos, creating a cohesive and motivated workforce.
  • Measuring Impact: Understanding the impact of the nominee’s actions on their team or the company as a whole is vital for appreciating the broader significance of their contributions. This information can be used to communicate the value of individual efforts to the entire organization, demonstrating how personal achievements contribute to overall success.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up with WPForms today to access the Employee Recognition Nomination Form template and thousands of other templates for your site.