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Do you want to send emails from your site using a form? If so, then you need the Email Form Template from WPForms.

This form includes all of the basic elements of a well-structured message and takes the guesswork out of what to include in an email.

How to Use the Email Form Template

The Email Form Template is a perfect form for anybody who writes emails for someone else, or who has somebody write emails for them. The user simply enters the contents of their email onto the form, and the automatic form notification will send the message to the recipient.

And with WPForms, you have the option to save and view your form entries directly in your WordPress dashboard, making it super convenient for you to reference sent emails later.

Following the basic layout of an email message, the Email Form first collects the name and email address of the person the email is going to. Next, the form gathers the name and email address of the person the email message is from.

Then, the form user types the subject of the email followed by the email message.

Lastly, the Email Form Template allows the form user to upload file attachments to include with their email message. This template currently allows for 10 uploads, though you can change this number on your own form.

Changing the amount of allotted uploads, along with making any other edits to the template, is easy to do with the drag-and-drop tool of the form builder. Additionally, through the notification settings, you’re able to send confirmations to both the “to” and “from” email entries.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own Email Form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.