Templates Customer Service Inquiry Driver Assessment Form Template

Driver Assessment Form Template

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Driver's Name
Eyesight Check
Valid License
Vehicle Type

Vehicle Control

Interior Mirror
Exterior Mirror

Driving Awareness

Use of Speed
Road Position
Following Distance
Line Discipline
Clear Signature

Do you rely on vehicle operations in your business or organization? Then you should check out the Driver Assessment Form Template from WPForms.

Why Should I Use a Driver Assessment Form Template?

With a driver’s assessment form, you have the peace of mind knowing that you’re ensuring safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance with the drivers you utilize. Plus, by using a template, you can create a standardized form that ensures uniformity in assessing your drivers.

On the Driver Assessment Form Template, the user first enters the driver’s information with the following fields:

  • Driver’s Name
  • Address
  • Reference Number
  • Eyesight Check (Pass or Fail)
  • Valid License (Yes or No)
  • Vehicle Type (Car, Bus, Commercial Vehicle, Taxi, RV, Semi Truck)

Next, the form user assesses the driver’s vehicle control. Users check either “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory” for these fields:

  • Interior Mirror
  • Exterior Mirror
  • Signals
  • Brakes
  • Accelerator
  • Clutch
  • Steering Reversing

Then, the form covers the driver’s driving awareness. The form user assesses the driver by again checking “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory” for the following fields:

  • Anticipation
  • Concentration
  • Observation
  • Planning
  • Use of Speed
  • Following Distance
  • Road Position
  • Line Discipline

Beneath these fields, the form user will then describe their unsatisfactory grading. The user is provided a large box with plenty of room to type their description. The assessor can also include any additional comments at the bottom of the form.

Finally, the form user signs and dates the form to submit it.

As always, the specific fields included in our Driver Assessment Form Template can be customized to fit your organization’s needs, industry requirements, and local regulations. Edit this form to your liking, or start using it right away.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own Driver Assessment Form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and thousands of other pre-made templates.