Templates Business Operations Order Coupon Order Form Template

Coupon Order Form Template

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Customer Name
Multiple Items
Price: $30.00

Are you looking to add coupon options to the order forms you use on your website? Then you should grab the Coupon Order Form Template from WPForms.

With this template, creating order forms that accept coupons has never been easier.

How to Use the Coupon Order Form Template

Since this is a very basic form template, you will need to edit this form to include the relevant information. While we’ve included the necessary fields to get you started, you’ll want to customize the form with your own items along with their prices.

Our Coupon Order Form Template first collects the customer’s name and email address, which you’ll want to keep on your form so that it works properly.

Then, this form template includes the items available for purchase and the price for each. You’ll need this field, too, for coupons to work on your form. Since this template is meant to be customized, these items and prices are here as examples only. Be sure to click on this field to add your own items and prices to your Coupon Order Form.

Next, our form template provides the Coupon field where your users will enter a coupon code that you’ve provided to them somewhere else. For this template and demo, we’ve created a coupon for 10% off. Enter the code 10OFF to try it out!

And, while you don’t see it on the front end of the demo, the Coupon Order Form Template comes loaded with an Internal Information field that is visible in the form builder. This internal information will guide you in the creation of your own coupons, so you can easily edit this Coupon field and the corresponding coupon code on your own form.

Our Coupon Order Form Template then includes the Total field, which is another necessary field for coupons. This field displays the total price of the order depending on items selected and coupons applied.

Lastly, the form collects the user’s payment through either their PayPal account or their credit card. And once again, we’ve included internal information within the form builder to help you use the payment fields.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own Coupon Order Form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.