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Client Name

Client Information

Work Address

Client Questionnaire

Which of our services are of interest to you? Select all that apply.
Have you had any negative experiences in the past with any of these kinds of services?
Do you have any budgeting concerns?
How did you hear about us?

Do you need a client intake form template to gather information about your new clients? Embed the WPForms client intake form template on your website or in an email, and within minutes you can start collecting the information you need to begin work on the project.

What Should a Client Intake Form Include?

While the information you gather may differ depending on your business, there are always a few things that you’ll want to include on any client intake form.

You always want to ask for the client’s contact and company information, but you also want to ask them to tell you more about what their company does. What’s the nature of their business?

You also want to get a sense of what their goals are and how they see the project going. This helps you determine the best approach to achieving their goals.

Budget is also a good thing to know upfront. The WPForms client intake form template asks what the client’s proposed budget is, as well as whether they have any additional budgetary concerns that would be good to know before beginning. The more they can specify here at the outset, the smoother the process will go when you’re talking about project budgets and finances later.

Finally, give them an opportunity to add comments or provide additional information. If there’s something they think is relevant to the project that hasn’t already been covered on the form, this is where they can share it with you.

Once it’s submitted, you’ll have the record to add to their file and help you plan and execute the project.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own client intake form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.