Templates Business Operations Contact Choose a Contact Method Form Template

Choose a Contact Method Form Template

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How would you like to be contacted?

Do you want website visitors to choose their method of contact? Then you need this Choose a Contact Method Form template.

The contact method form template allows you to provide specific options for website users to select a mode of communication.

Similar to the simple contact form, the contact method form template collects all of the basic contact information from the form user.

The user first provides their name, followed by an email address, which are both required fields on the form.

Next, the form includes a place for users to enter a phone number. However, this information is not required to submit the form.

Then, users are given the option to write out a comment or message to include on the form, though sending a message is optional as well.

Lastly, form users are given a few choices for return contact. This means that your form user can select the mode of communication for you to use with them.

Each contact method provided on the form is clearly displayed with a stylish icon and a place to click and select. Form users can opt to receive an email message, phone call, or text message with this template.

Since you’re providing a space on this form for users to include an email address or phone number, you’re already given the necessary information to contact your users with their preferred method of communication.

And, like all of our form templates, you can further customize these fields as you see fit.

If you decide to change or add to the selection of contact methods on your form, you’ll find an extensive collection of icons included with this template. So, you can easily display an icon that best suits your given selection.