Templates Business Operations Call Monitoring Form Template

Call Monitoring Form Template

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Agent Information

Agent Name

Call Details

Call Date and Time

Customer Information

Call Monitoring Feedback

Supervisor/Reviewer Notes

The Call Monitoring Form template from WPForms is a powerful tool designed to assess and enhance call quality and agent performance.

This customizable template enables supervisors and reviewers to gather essential information and provide valuable feedback to agents.

Simplify the Call Evaluation Process with this Form Template

For those looking for an efficient and easy way to monitor the calls of their agents and provide relevant feedback, the Call Monitoring Form template can prove incredibly handy, as it has various sections for evaluating agent performance.

The form starts with the Agent Information section, where supervisors can input the agent’s name, agent ID, and select the appropriate team or department from the dropdown menu for accurate record-keeping and evaluation purposes.

The next part of the form captures essential information about the call, including the date and time of the call, the outcome or result, the type of call, and the duration. These details contribute to a comprehensive analysis of agent performance.

Customer Information fields allow supervisors to enter the customer’s name, account or ID, phone number, and email address. This information helps to identify specific interactions and provides context for evaluating agent-customer interactions.

After that, there is a Call Monitoring Feedback section that is crucial for evaluating various aspects of the call. Supervisors can rate the agent’s communication skills, knowledge and expertise, problem-resolution abilities, and customer service etiquette.

In addition, they can also rate their compliance and adherence to guidelines, average handling time, first-call resolution rate, and customer satisfaction. These ratings provide valuable insights into the agent’s performance strengths and areas for improvement.

Finally, the form concludes with the Supervisor/Reviewer Notes section, where supervisors can provide constructive feedback. They can highlight specific areas for improvement, offer comments and observations, enter their name for identification, and record the review date.

Sign up with WPForms today to access this Call Monitoring Form. By leveraging this template, businesses can enhance customer experiences, optimize call quality, and drive overall customer satisfaction.